
  • 网络carly;Carrie;Carly Fiorina;Karlie
  1. 他女儿卡莉开车将他送到火车站。

    His daughter Carly drove him to the train station .

  2. 多亏了卡莉,现在赶超IBM已经镜花水月,这种希望比她当选参议员的可能性还要渺茫。

    Thanks to Carly , that notion is off the table . You 'll see her elected Senator before that happens .

  3. 卡莉一向心直口快,告诉女儿说她的容颜正在衰老。

    Never one to mince words , Carlie told her daughter that her looks were fading .

  4. 派对上有很多模特(琼·斯莫尔[JoanSmalls]、卡莉·克洛斯[KarlieKloss]、吉吉·哈迪德[GigiHadid])和设计师,包括CalvinKlein的创意总监弗朗西斯科·科斯塔(FranciscoCosta)和希尔费格。

    There were models galore ( Joan Smalls , Karlie Kloss , Gigi Hadid ) and designers , including the Calvin Klein creative director , Francisco Costa , and Mr. Hilfiger .

  5. 可能会角逐共和党总统候选人提名的前惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)高管卡莉·菲奥里纳(CarlyFiorina)声称,旱灾是一场人为灾难。

    The drought is a man-made disaster , as Carly Fiorina , the former Hewlett-Packard executive who will likely run for the Republican presidential nomination , claims .

  6. 可能会角逐共和党总统候选人提名的前惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)高管卡莉·菲奥里纳(CarlyFiorina)声称,旱灾是“一场人为”灾难。

    The drought is " a man-made " disaster , as Carly Fiorina , the former Hewlett-Packard executive who will likely run for the Republican presidential nomination , claims .

  7. 目前看来,第四季没了他却变得充满活力,令人喜爱。卡莉(Carrie,克莱尔·丹尼斯[ClaireDanes]饰)这次的对手是美貌、狡猾的巴基斯坦情报官塔斯尼姆(Tasneem,尼姆拉特·考尔[NimratKaur]饰)。

    Season 4 has so far turned out to be remarkably vital and exhilarating without him , this time by pitting Carrie ( Claire Danes ) against a beautiful , deceitful Pakistani intelligence officer , Tasneem , ( Nimrat Kaur ) .

  8. 卡莉:但是我们必须谈谈我们的问题。

    Carly : But we need to talk about our problems .

  9. 黑暗双星就是印度教的卡莉神。

    The Dark Twin is the god Kali in the Hindu religion .

  10. 这是印度教女神卡莉的寺庙。

    It was a Tempie dedicated to the goddess kall .

  11. 卡莉,约会很复杂,也很艰难

    Look , Carly , this is difficult and complicated .

  12. 肯特表示:卡莉让自己变成了一个符号。

    Carly put herself forward as a symbol , says Ms Kanter .

  13. 卡莉:你不是要在午餐时和艾瑞丝碰面吗?

    Carly : Aren 't you meeting Iris for lunch ?

  14. 在卡莉丝海滩的码头旁牵着匹马儿前行的人。

    Man leading horse near pier at Carlisle Bay Beach .

  15. 汤姆:你想去看看卡莉的婴儿摄影作品展吗?

    Tom : Would you like to see Carrie 's baby pictures ?

  16. 所罗门表示,这些照片都是妻子卡莉拍的。

    Solomon said his wife Carli takes all the snapshots .

  17. 我觉得卡莉会请她去头条网工作

    I think Carly 's gonna offer her a job at Slugline .

  18. 卡莉:也没什么,我们就是处不来了。

    Nothing . We just don 't get along anymore .

  19. 卡莉:也许等到棒球球季结束再说吧!

    Carly : Maybe after baseball season 's over .

  20. 布鲁斯给工作伙伴卡莉打电话。

    Bruce calls Carly , a friend from work .

  21. 布鲁斯:嗨,卡莉,我是布鲁斯。

    B : Hi Carly , it 's Bruce .

  22. 我得和卡莉一起去。

    I have to go when Carly 's going .

  23. 卡莉:他太爱改变主意了!

    C : He changes his mind so often !

  24. 卡莉:西奥跟我本来打算去夏威夷度假。

    Theo and I were planning to travel to Hawaii for a vacation .

  25. 卡莉参加选美还来得及吗?

    So is it too late to sign Carly up for that beauty pageant ?

  26. 快卡莉到这来宝贝

    Come on . Carly . Come here , girl Come on , Carly .

  27. 卡莉:今天圣诞购物。

    Carly Rae Jepsen : Christmas shopping today .

  28. 卡莉:抱歉,我只是想跟你聊聊。

    Carly : I 'm sorry . I just need to talk with you .

  29. 卡莉嫁给了狄格的哥哥。

    Carly was married to Dig 's brother .

  30. 卡莉辞职内幕聚焦离职当天员工开香槟庆祝

    Focus On Inside of Carly 's Demission