
  1. 也许为时尚早。但为多啦A梦这样的卡通万人迷庆生,再怎么早也不为过。

    It might still be a long time off , but for a character as adorable as Doraemon , it 's never too early to celebrate .

  2. 发音清晰者的艺术卡通使包租人大吃一惊。

    The articulate man 's artistic cartoon startled the chartered .

  3. 米老鼠史努比等卡通人物依然受人欢迎。

    Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular .

  4. 现在,就让我们来历数一下10个古典卡通人物的雷人真相吧。

    Here are 10 surprising facts about classic cartoon characters .

  5. 抱着一叠卡通月刊,送信人走出电梯,侧着身子挤过拥挤的(昏暗的)走廊。

    With a bundle of cartoon monthly , the messenger walked out of elevator and squeezed sideways through the crowded ( gloomy ) corridor .

  6. 溪子留在教室的前排座位上,盯着桌上的卡通画,没人注意到她。

    Xi Zi remained in the front seat of the classroom , staring at cartoons on the table , and no one noticed her .

  7. 卡通鱼:款式设计创新、形象卡通生动多变、人抱人爱,超级手感。

    Cartoon fish : Design design innovation , vivid cartoon vivid changeable , the human hugs the human to love , the super feel .