
  1. 所有级别的政府会更积极回应民众的呼声。

    and every level of government becomes radically more responsive to all the people .

  2. 如果我们大声要求使用健康的原料,化妆品公司就应该听一听民众的呼声。

    If we speak up and demand that healthy ingredients be used , cosmetic companies will listen .

  3. 这不仅对媒体业有着直接而明显的影响,对于代表公众利益的组织团体来说,广大民众的呼声与意愿在很大程度上被排斥在决策过程之外。

    With deep implications for the media industry , citizen groups , and policymakers at the top . these are to represents ;

  4. 城市规划应该更多的反映社会和民众的呼声,而不应成为行政和金钱的奴隶。

    The city planning should reflect the society morely with the civil noise of shouting , but shouldn 't become the administration with the peculiarly slave .

  5. 2006年出版的《新阿拉伯民众的呼声》一书使马克?里奇名声大噪,他明白是什么导致了阿拉伯人民的想法。

    Mr Lynch , who made his name with his 2006 book , " Voices of the New Arab Public , " understands what makes Arab opinion tick .

  6. 而这个时期美国民众要求权利的呼声越发的高涨。

    However , in this period , the American populace insisted that they should have more rights .

  7. 民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。

    The clamour for her resignation grew louder .

  8. 菅直人是在去年六月正式接任首相一职。近段时间以来,他的支持率逐渐降低,最近一次的民意调查中,支持率已低至15%,民众对他辞职的呼声相应的也越来越高。

    Mr Kan , who came to power in June last year , has faced growing calls for his resignation after his popularity steadily eroded to as low as15 per cent in the latest polls .