
  • 网络home affairs department;HAD;Department of Home Affairs
  1. 民政事务总署投标委员会

    Home Affairs Department Tender Board

  2. 在山泥倾泻警告发出后,民政事务总署将开放临时庇护站。

    Once the landslip warning is issued , temporary shelters will be provided by the home affairs department .

  3. 民政事务总署联络主任协会

    " Association of liaison officers , Home Affairs department "

  4. 清洁学校运动〔教育署和民政事务总署合办〕

    Clean School Campaign [ jointly organized by Education Department and Home Affairs Department ]

  5. 自一九九四年底起,乡郊规划及改善策略小型工程由民政事务总署负责监管。

    The RPIS minor works programme has come under the management of the Home Affairs Department since late 1994 .

  6. 因为这东西开始设立了很多像石膏您可以形状,它由民政事务总署,甚至厚度。

    As this stuff begins to set up a lot like plaster you can shape it by had to an even thickness .

  7. 楼宇管理方面,民政事务总署成立了一支专门统筹大厦管理事宜的队伍,负责政策及执行的工作。

    At the headquarters level of the home affairs department , a dedicated team has been set up to coordinate all building managment matters , for both policy and execution purposes .

  8. 最多人投诉的机构是房屋署、惩教署、土地发展公司、地政总署、香港房屋协会、市政总署、入境事务处、医院管理局、政府总部和民政事务总署。

    The organisations receiving the most complaints were : housing department , correctional services department , land development corporation , lands department , Hong Kong Housing society , urban services department , immigration department , hospital authority , Government Secretariat and home affairs department .

  9. 社区建设的政策由民政事务局制定,并主要由民政事务总署及社会福利署负责推行。

    The Home Affairs Bureau has policy responsibility for the programme and the Home Affairs Department and SWD are principally responsible for its implementation .