
  1. 除此之外,两国还于各自的法典中,对民人越境行为的处罚进行了相应的司法规定。

    Besides , both of the two countries made legal provisions on transboundary offences in their codes .

  2. 在封授采邑的同时,附着于土地上的民人也一同被赐予。

    In the investiture at the same time , attached to the land of the people to be given .

  3. 为了有效地管理迁居关外开垦土地的汉族民人,清廷设置了民治州县机构。

    The court set up state and county governed by people themselves so as to manage the Han people effectively .

  4. 滇池在昆明地区工农业生产和民人生活中起重要作用。

    The Dianchi Lake plays an important role in the industrial and agricultural production of Kunming Metropolitan and the everyday life of the people .

  5. 大量民人和流人的进入,促进当地农业开发和城镇繁荣,也进一步改变了当地生态环境。

    A large number of people and the exiled prisoners promoted the local agricultural development and urban prosperity , but also further changed the local ecological environment .

  6. 明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的摇役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。

    In the Ming Dynasty the imperial household used charcoal obtained and made by forced conscript labour , but the charcoal used as fuel by officials and the city populace was bought through market channels .

  7. 近代绥远地区,内地民人尤其是山西民人大量迁入,蒙地遂成为汉、蒙、满等多民族杂居,以汉族为主的地区。

    Modern Suiyuan areas , the mainland people , especially a large number of Shanxi people moved into , then monte became the han , mongolian , manchu and other multi-ethnic mixed , mainly in the areas of the han nationality .

  8. 通过对本地人、客民人丧礼的记录与分析,本文认为,要完整保存两个族群的文化,以多种手段,进行阶段性的记录、整理、研究很有必要。

    By recording and analyzing of funeral of ' local ' and ' guest people ', this article believe that it is really necessary to record , organize , research recording , organizing , periodic research by manifold means to completely preserve the two ethnic groups ' culture .

  9. 原始初民认为人与动物存在某种血缘关系,动物成为最重要的一种崇拜图腾。

    The primitive residents thought there existed a certain blood relationship between the animal and mankind .

  10. 班固写的《汉书·食货志》上有下面的记载:“冬,民既人;妇人同巷相从夜绩,女工一月得四十五日。”

    In the chapter " Foods and Goods " of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty , the great historian Ban Gu states : " In winter people stay indoors . Women get together to spin hemp threads at night . They manage to work forty-five days in a month . "

  11. 民中有人进来要害死王你的主,你为何没有保护王你的主呢?

    Why then have you not kept watch over your lord the king ? For one of the people came in to destroy the king your lord .

  12. 为要屈枉穷乏人,夺去我民中困苦人的理,以寡妇当作掳物,以孤儿当作掠物。

    To turn aside the needy from judgment , and to take away the right from the poor of my people , that widows may be their prey , and that they may rob the fatherless !

  13. 社会和谐思想是其理论宝库的重要组成部分。孔子关于人与自然、人与人、官与民等关系以及人自身发展的有关论述。

    The social and harmonious thought is one important part in his theory .

  14. 他必救我民脱离非利士人的手。

    Anoint him leader over my people Israel ; he will deliver my people from the hand of the Philistines .

  15. 这井是首领和民中的尊贵人,用圭,用杖所挖所掘的。

    About the well that the princes dug , that the nobles of the people sank-the nobles with scepters and staffs .

  16. 民中险些有人和你的妻同寝,把我们陷在罪里。

    One of the men might well have slept with your wife , and you would have brought guilt upon us .

  17. 4他必为民中的困苦人伸冤、拯救穷乏之辈、压碎那欺压人的。

    He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy ; he will crush the oppressor .

  18. 科学发展观中的以人为本不是对民本论和人本主义的简单重复,区别的关键在于以什么人和人的哪个方面为本以及如何实践以人为本。

    Taking people as fundament in the view of scientific development isn 't a simple repetition of western humanism and the Confucian thought of people-foundation .

  19. 我民中有贫穷人与你同住,你若借钱给他,不可如放债的向他取利。

    If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy , do not be like a moneylender ; charge him no interest .

  20. 尽管尽人皆知他这过分随和的毛病,可是教民中没有一人提起黑纱的事,来对他进行善意的规劝。

    Yet , though so well acquainted with this amiable weakness , no individual among his parishioners chose to make the black veil a subject of friendly remonstrance .

  21. 启示录7章9节告诉我们在神所预备的天堂里有各国各族各民各方来的人。

    Revelation 7 : 9 tells us that in God 's forever family in Heaven , there will be a great multitude of people of all nations and tribes and languages .

  22. 亚比米勒说,你向我们作的是什么事呢?民中险些有人和你的妻同寝,把我们陷在罪里。

    Then Abimelech said , what have you done to us ? One of the people might well have had connection with your wife , and the sin would have been ours .

  23. 在这两大时段雷州文化研究中,人的研究是基础,即对雷州族群、雷州民系、雷州人个案的研究。

    In these two periods , human-oriented research is the foundation of Leizhou culture studies which include the study of Leizhou groups , Leizhou public system , and case study of Leizhou individuals .

  24. 在中西方文化中,都包含着丰富的民本思想和人本思想,特别是马克思主义关于人的思想,直接为以人为本提供了思想基础和理论依据。

    There are abundant theories relating to People-based Thought and Thought of Humanism . Especially the thought of " human " which belongs to Marxism provides directly the foundation of thought and theory for-Humanism .

  25. 而且悲哀哭号,禁食到晚上,是因扫罗和他儿子约拿单,并耶和华的民以色列家的人,倒在刀下。

    They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan , and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel , because they had fallen by the sword .

  26. 推罗的民、〔民原文作女子〕必来送礼.民中的富足人、也必向你求恩。

    The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift , men of wealth will seek your favor .