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  1. 他的思想内涵广泛涉及到来自西方的近代思想,大正时代的日本文化等。

    His thinking was widely related to the Japanese culture in Taisho Era which in turn came from western modern thought .

  2. 大正时代(19121926年)、昭和时代前期(19261945年)是日本迅速崛起并最终走上侵略扩张道路的时期。

    Taisho era ( 1912 - 1926 ) and early Showa era ( 1926 - 1945 ) were the period that Japan rapid rose and eventually took to the road of aggression and expansion .

  3. 菊池宽通过描写父亲与长子的对立冲突,深刻地反映了明治和大正时代,近代的自我意识渗透到社会各阶层,并开始挑战以父权为中心的封建家长制的社会现实。

    Kan Kikuchi 's depiction of the conflict between the father and his son reflects that in Meiji and Taisho periods , modern self-consciousness had infiltrated into the whole society and began to challenge the feudal patriarchy .

  4. 文章从明治、大正时代社会的二重性出发,分析了作为时代代表作家的森鸥外在思想结构、文学性格上的二重性,其传统与反传统的互制心理。

    This paper studies the duality in the structure of his thought , his literary character , and his mutually interacting traditional and anti-traditional mentalities by analyzing the duality of the society of the Meiji Age and the Taisho Age .