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dài wang
  • king;monarch;maharaja;magnate;joker;expert


dà wáng
  • king;magnate
大王 [dài wáng]
  • [monarch] 中国戏曲、旧小说中对大帮强盗首领的称呼

  • 山大王

  • (1) [King]∶古代对君主或诸侯的敬称;统治一个大的疆域的君主

  • 大王及宗室所赐币帛,尽以与军吏、士大夫。--汉. 刘向《列女传》

  • 梦里依稀慈母泪,城头变幻大王旗。--鲁迅《七律》

  • (2) [maharaja] [印]∶位于王公之上的印度君主;尤指印度主要土邦的统治者

  • (3) [magnate]∶指垄断某种经济的财阀

  • 钢铁大王

  • 煤炭大王

  • 石油大王

  • 木材大王

  • (4) [joker]∶大鬼

  • (5) [expert]∶擅长于某种事情的人

  • 足球大王

  • 爆破大王

大王[dà wáng]
大王[dài wang]
  1. 他是棉花大王。

    He is a cotton king .

  2. 它非常自信,对较小的动物不屑一顾,而是直接去问一只黑熊:“谁是丛林里的大王呀?”黑熊回答说:“当然是你呀。”

    He was so confident that he paid no attention to the smaller animals and went right up to a bear . He asked the bear , " Who is the king of the jungle ? " The bear replied , " Of course you are . "

  3. 辛格尔顿是个牛皮大王,他自称有一条空手道黑带。

    Singleton was a fantasist who claimed to have a karate blackbelt .

  4. 那个吹牛大王说他的汽车是最快的。

    That blowhard bragged that his car was the fastest .

  5. 一天,一个卫士自告奋勇,对国君说:“我愿意为大王买马。”

    One day , a guard volunteered to help and said to the king : " I am willing to buy a thousand-li steed for Your Majesty3 . "

  6. 有一天,田饶对鲁哀公说:“我要离开大王,像鸿雁那样远走高飞。”

    One day , Tian Rao said to Ai Gong of Lu : " I am going to leave Your Majesty1 , and fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose . "

  7. 最后说:“今天,如果大王杀了我这个无罪的人,那么众人就会说:‘大王宁愿被人欺骗,也不愿意相信自己的卫士。’”

    Finally he said : " If today Your Majesty should kill me , an innocent man , then people would say : ` The King would rather be deceived than believe his own bodyguard . ' "

  8. 曹商满脸得意地去见庄子,并夸耀到:“说服大王国君,不辱本国国君主的使命,跟随的马车有百辆之多,这是我的长处。”

    He went to visit Zhuang Zi complacently3 , and boasted , " To convince the king of the powerful country , accomplish the mission assigned by the king of homeland , and to be followed by hundreds of carriages is my strongpoint . "

  9. 麦当劳VS永和大王&中西快餐店的比较研究

    McDonald 's VS King Yonghe 's ── Comparative Research Between Western and Chinese Fast-Food Restaurants

  10. 从前,这个王国由其创始人兄弟——“沃尔特大王”(KingWalt)和“罗伊大王”(KingRoy)共同管理。

    Long ago , the kingdom had been ruled jointly by its founding brothers , King Walt and King Roy .

  11. 安闲地坐在那里:伴随着“哈里波特现象”在全球的风靡,故事大王JK罗琳的生活从此改变。

    Sitting comfortably : supreme storyteller JK Rowling has seen her life transformed by the Harry Potter phenomenon .

  12. 有人说有好酱才能做出好菜。美国的调料大王亨利·J·海因茨于1876年推出了一种现在美国人成为番茄奖的混合调料。

    It has been suggested that the sauce makes the dish.In1876 the pickle king , Henry · J · Heinz , introduced the blend that Americans know today as ketchup .

  13. 这个魔幻王国在“鲍勃大王”(KingBob)的领导下兴旺发展,公司价值翻了好几番,并且收购了多个虚幻帝国,如皮克斯动画(PixarAnimation)、漫威娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)。

    The magic kingdom had prospered during King Bob 's reign , multiplying severalfold in value and extending its rule over various make-believe empires such as Pixar Animation and Marvel Entertainment .

  14. 委员,专员;伍兹这次击败的对手包括NFL,NBA与棒球大联盟的总裁与显贵们,传媒大王默多克与耐克公司的CEO菲利浦·耐特。

    The publication picked Woods ahead of the commissioners of the NFL , NBA and Major League Baseball , media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Nike CEO Philip Knight .

  15. 在某些方面,扎克伯格正在效仿钢铁大王安德鲁愠芸基(AndrewCarnegie),后者在美国建立了1700家公共图书馆。

    In some ways , Mr Zuckerberg is following Andrew Carnegie , the steel magnate , who founded a network of 1700 public libraries in the US .

  16. GeorgeBallas成为著名的“割草大王”。就像他告诉休斯敦编年史的,“打草机这种想法是一生之中最难得的。”

    George Ballas became known as the " Weed King . " As he once told the Houston Chronicle , " A Weed Eater comes along once in a lifetime . "

  17. 债券大王比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)承认:QE必须结束。数万亿的低成本资金扭曲了激励机制,将资产价格推高至人为水平。但现在格罗斯说美联储的计划可能过于仓促了。

    Bond King Bill Gross admits , ' QE must end . ' Trillions of cheap money ' has distorted incentives and inflated asset prices to artificial levels . ' But now Gross says ' the Fed plan may be too hasty . '

  18. 但Entre-SLAM的这两位合伙人、珍妮•巴卢和克里斯蒂娜•钱伯斯-普利斯也会很高兴让她们的故事大王来谈谈。

    But partners Jeannie Ballew and Christa chambers-price would be just as happy to have their storytellers do the talking .

  19. 后来,《纽约时报》揭露,俄罗斯化肥大王安德烈·古里耶夫(AndreyGuryev)是一家名为“藏红花控股”(SafranHoldings)的公司的受益人,而这家公司据称代表其家族持有威坦赫斯特。

    Then The New Yorker identified Andrey Guryev , a fertilizer magnate from Russia , as the beneficiary of a company called Safran Holdings , said to own Witanhurst on behalf of his family .

  20. 2005年的一期泰晤士报中,乔恩帕雷利斯(JonPareles)把英国摇滚组合酷玩乐队称为“十年内最难以忍受的乐队”,而且归咎于乐队的名誉负责人和歌手马丁,并称他做“消极好斗的吹牛大王”。

    In a 2005 piece in the Times , Jon Pareles called the British rock group Coldplay " the most insufferable band of the decade , " and he placed the blame on the band 's front man and singer , Chris Martin , whom he called a " passive-aggressive blowhard . " Earlier this year ,

  21. 你会叫我这么样的一个人作大王吗?

    Are you calling such a person like me a king ?

  22. 开家主题酒吧的赚钱秘籍&中国酒吧连锁大王的成功之路

    Opens the family subject bar to make money the rare book

  23. “这地方原来属于石油大王德梅因。”

    " It belonged to demaine , the oil man . "

  24. 从前有一位大王名叫亚菲来德。

    Once there lived a great king whose name was Alfred .

  25. 他们会欢呼,我们伟大的鲍勃大王真是开明。

    Good King Bob is truly enlightened , they would exclaim .

  26. 她在大王蟒蛇的笼子前开始给我讲起了爬行动物知识。

    She started my reptile education at the boa constrictor cage .

  27. 杰克说的话你不必当真,他可是个说谎大王。

    You can discount what Jack saidhe 's a dreadful liar .

  28. 大王能猜出,这是一种什么鸟吗?

    Your majesty , do you know what bird is this ?

  29. 常常是极棒的故事大王的教授们把演讲课变成了美妙的历史戏剧。

    Often superb story tellers , they turn lecturessintosgrand historical drama .

  30. 他还没有被人视为金融大王。

    He was not yet looked upon as a money prince .