
  • 网络a thunderstorm
  1. 大雷雨惊了牛群。

    The thunderstorm stampeded the cattle .

  2. 大雷雨可能使天气稳定下来。

    The thunderstorm will perhaps settle the weather .

  3. v.妨碍;阻止;使不可能大雷雨阻止我们去海滨。

    preclude The heavy thunderstorm precluded our going to the beach .

  4. 这种形式的对流活动就是大雷雨形成的原因。

    This form of convectional activity is responsible for thunderstorms .

  5. 大雷雨来临前的气温骤降。

    The sudden drop in temperature that precedes a heavy thunder storm .

  6. 在高雄附近地区,泛滥已成为严重问题,现在又来了这场大雷雨。

    This comes just as flooding becomes a serious issue near Kaohsiung .

  7. 今天晚上有大雷雨,会吗?

    There be go to be heavy thunderstorm this evening , be not there ?

  8. 今天晚间台湾南部各地发布了大雷雨特报。

    Severe thunderstorm warnings are in place across much of southern Taiwan this evening .

  9. 悲剧《大雷雨》是俄罗斯著名剧作家奥斯特罗夫斯基的代表作之一。

    Tragedy The Great Thunderstorm is one of the representative masterpieces of Russian playwright Ostrovsky .

  10. 这可能发生在一场大雷雨或集中灌溉使低洼田被淹没之后。

    This may occur after low-lying fields have been flooded following a severe thunderstorm or intensive irrigation .

  11. 与此同时,他还在世界名剧《娜拉》、《大雷雨》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中饰演主角。

    At the same time , he starred in world famous dramas such as Nala , Big Thunderstorm and Romeo and Juliet .

  12. 大雷雨来得太突然,市民们显然缺乏准备,有的人骑车没带雨具,只好乖乖暂避天桥底下躲雨。

    The thunderstorms came so suddenly that people unprepared had no other choice but to take shelter from the rain under the high bridge .

  13. 爱丽丝抬起头来,发现王后站在她们面前,交叉着胳膊,脸色阴沉得像大雷雨前的天色一样。

    Alice looked up , and there stood the Queen in front of them , with her arms folded , frowning like a thunderstorm .

  14. 动画形象由来自国际空间站以上马来西亚在2009年12月序列两张照片了大雷雨。

    Animated image of a large thunderstorm made up of two photographs taken in sequence from the International Space Station above Malaysia in December of2009 .

  15. 我笑&大雷雨之前必有一个时间的平静,平静得一点风也没有

    " I 'm smiling * at the thought that it 's usually calm before a storm & so calm that there isn 't even a breath of wind !"

  16. 然而,在2013年,一个专家团队排除了其他可能的原因,认为兴登堡号爆炸的原因是由于大雷雨所产生的静电所致。

    However , in 2013 , a team of experts ruled out the other theories and determined that the Hindenburg had become charged with static electricity from a thunderstorm .

  17. 许多得过且过只在人性浮面生活的人,也是如此,直到要受到了大雷雨似的打击,他们才窥见灵魂的深奥。

    So it is with many souls who indolently live on the outer edge of their own natures until great thunderstorms of sorrow reveal hidden depths within that were never hitherto suspected .

  18. 纽约市在清晨一场将近一小时三英雨量风狂雨骤的大雷雨后,一阵威力强大的龙风在纽约州布鲁克林区著陆,造成上午尖峰时段地铁和通勤火车系统的瘫痪。

    A tornado touches down in brooklyn , New York just after dawn during a violent thunderstorm that dropped near three inches of rain in the New York City area , crippling the city 's subway and commuter rail system during the morning rush hour .

  19. 你真太傻,下这么大的雷雨你还往外走!

    You 're mad to go out in this thunder storm !

  20. 由于没有山脉阻挡强风,大平原成为了大雷雨的多发地带

    With no mountains to stop the wind , the Great Plains are a breeding ground for massive thunder storms .