
  • 网络High Chancellor;DaeTongRyeong
  1. 威尔森上校是大统领的朋友。

    Major Wilson is a friend of the high chancellor .

  2. 大统领要求我立刻插手。

    The chancellor demanded my immediate involvement .

  3. 这是你的责任五星级大统领你和你的发展战略。

    It is the responsibility of your five-star General to guide you and develop your strategy .

  4. 凭借三条龙,塔格利安家族成功征服六大王国,最终统领七大王国。

    Armed with three dragons , House Targaryen managed to conquer and unite six of the Seven Kingdoms under his rule .

  5. 由于大城市圈的统领作用,通过大城市圈之间的联动发展达到全流域及全国区域经济协调发展是一捷径。

    Because of the functional role of the megalopolis , therefore , it will be easier to realize the harmonious development of the Yangtze valley as a whole through integrated development of the regional economy between these two megalopolises .