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  • 网络Dading;croomionidine
  1. 天下大定。

    General stability has been achieved in the country .

  2. 大定一致认为这是一项精细的研究。

    Everyone agreed that it was a piece of meticulous research .

  3. 大定风珠巩固治疗慢性乙型肝炎的后续效应观察

    Observation of Successive Effect about the Consolidating Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B by Dadingfengzhu

  4. 大定风珠治疗肝纤维化30例临床观察

    Clinical observation on 30 cases of fibrosis of liver treated with Da Ding Feng Zhu

  5. 我们对待大定单向来都有高额折扣,所以这次我们会给您5%的折扣。

    A higher discount will be given for a big order , so we are willing to give you a 5 % discount this time .

  6. 瑜伽的八支是:外在戒律,内在戒律,姿势,呼吸通知,专注力培养,冥想,以及最后的大定。

    The eight components of yoga are external discipline , internal discipline , posture , breath regulation , concentration , meditative absorption , and integration .

  7. 瞬变电磁法有几种常用的工作装置,实用中最常用的是重叠回线、中心回线、偶极装置和大定源回线组合。

    When exploring with TEM in the wild , several common devices are used which are Coincident loop , Central loop , Dipole device and Large-fixed loop combination .

  8. 大定源回线公式可以准确地表示任意场点的感应电动势,由此导出视电阻率无边缘效应影响;

    The equation of the large rectangular loop source cloud expresses induced electromotive force at any field points accurately , the apparent resistivity derived from that is not subject to edge effects ;

  9. 提出了定标和预测样品集优选算法解决了超大样品集定标模型的简化问题,该算法的引入可以有效提高仪器调试的效率,可以通过大定标样品集的优选来提高定标效率。

    The algorithm of optimization for calibration and prediction samples simplifies the problem of choosing effective samples from the exhaust sample set , the efficiency of calibration and debugging the NIR instrumentation is greatly improved correspondingly .

  10. 1942年秋,日本佛教界著名人士常盘大定博士、管原惠庆长老等专程前来玄中寺举行了纪念云鸾大师圆寂一千四百年奉赞会。

    In the fall of 1942 , Dr. Daitei Tokiwa and Master Keikyo Sugehara made a special trip to the Mystery Monastery and held a ceremony there in commemoration of the 1400th anniversary of the death of Master Tanluan .

  11. 第二种是他们看不起的人,认为无足轻重,现在不必去传播,将来“天下大定”了,那些人自然跟着过来的;

    The second consists of those they looked down upon as of no consequence , and they felt no need to influence them at this stage , thinking that these people would automatically come over when the " country was well under control " .

  12. 1920年12月27日,日本常盘大定博士历尽千辛万苦寻访了山西玄中寺,并著书立说,玄中寺即被尊为日本佛教净土宗的祖庭。

    On December 27 , 1920 , Dr. Daitei Tokiwa , having gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties , reached the Mystery Monastery in Shanxi Province . He wrote many books to confirm the fact that the Japanese Sukhavati Sect of Buddhism originated in the Mystery Monastery of China .

  13. 跨音速纵向大扰动定常流的速势方程与线松弛

    Potential Equation for Transonic Steady Flow with Large Longitudinal Disturbance and Line Relaxation

  14. 新月帮做出裁夺,并以更大实在定进步。

    That new moon helped you make a decision and move forward with greater certainty .

  15. 大地震定标的重新评价

    A reappraisal of large earthquake scaling

  16. 为你每一个大梦想定下一周一个月半年一年的实现时间。

    Set1 week – 1 month – 6 months – 1 year goals for each of your big dreams .

  17. 具体分析对象为:直升机大速度定常前飞状态、桨叶挥午弯曲&扭转耦合情况的动力响应问题。

    The specific problem analyzed is one that deals with the coupled flap-torsional dynamic response of rotor blades in high-speed steady forward flight of the helicopter .

  18. 然后提出了泥石流地区大段落定线方案风险分析的模拟方法和铁路泥石流二次灾害发生风险模拟的方法;

    Then , two methods of risk assessment for the alignments in railway design and the disaster of overturning trains caused by debris flow are presented .

  19. 台湾问题是中国的内政,不管国际风云如何变幻,祖国统一大业定能实现。

    The Taiwan question is china 's internal affair , and the great cause of the reunification of the motherland will be realized irrespective of the changes in the international situation .

  20. 选用60头(28±2)日龄长×大×定三元杂交断奶仔猪,按体重和性别随机分成3组,每组20头。

    Sixty ( 28 ± 2 ) day-age " Landrace × Yorkshire × Ding " crossbred weanling piglets were randomly divided into 3 groups of 20 piglets each by weight and sex .

  21. 针对双孔介质油藏,建立了考虑井筒储集和表皮效应和三种外边界(无穷大、定压、封闭)条件下的试井分析模型;

    This paper proposes mathematic model for well test analysis of perfectly describing the dual porosity reservoir with the bottom-hole storage and the skin effects and the three kinds of external boundary conditions ( infinite boundary , constant pressure outer boundary and closed boundary ) .

  22. 本文利用线化六自由度运动方程的状态空间式,对某无人机大过载定水平盘旋的稳定性进行分析。飞艇的动力学模型采用六自由度非线性模型。

    The paper makes use of the six dimensional linearized equations of motion to analyse the dynamic stability of the steady level turning flight of an unmanned aircraft . The airship was modeled with six dimensional nonlinear and coupled equations of motion , controlled with d.

  23. 运用Fourier函数分析法逼近大攻角非定常气动力阶跃响应模型。

    A nonlinear unsteady indicial response model of aerodynamic coefficient could be approximated by the use of Fourier analysis function at high angle of attack .

  24. 高速冲槽机冲切大直径电机定转子铁心圆片的探索与应用

    Exploration and Application of Punching and Motor Laminations by High-speed slot-puncher

  25. 飞机大振幅非定常滚转运动的非线性稳定性分析

    A Nonlinear Stability Analysis for an Aircraft Rolling in Large Amplitude Motion

  26. 大尺度大气定常波随纬度和季节有明显变化。

    The large-scale steady waves vary obviously with season and latitude change .

  27. 他说不管有多大困难他定会在那里的。

    He said he 'd be there , come hell or high water .

  28. 他在大门口站定,从衣兜里摸出钥匙。

    On the threshold he paused a moment , feeling for his latch-key .

  29. 包括粘性影响的跨音速纵向大扰动非定常翼型绕流计算

    Calculation of unsteady transonic flows with large longitudinal disturbance about airfoils including viscous effects

  30. 雅可布等,黑白撞色频频亮相各大秀场,定了黑白配的回归之势。

    The extreme contrast between black and white has paved the way for a return .