
  • 网络MCBF;Van Hanh
  1. Linux内核具有超过600万行的代码,因此本文不可能进行完整的介绍。

    The Linux kernel is over six million lines of code , so this introduction is not exhaustive .

  2. IBM团队从2010年的原始事件数据开始分析:一个2000万行的数据集,包含事件时间、事件代码和事件的GPS位置。

    The IBM team started with the raw event data for2010 : a20-million-row data set containing the event time , event code , and the GPS location of the event .

  3. 近日,Eclipse基金会发布了EclipseIndigo,它包含了62个项目,总的代码行数达到了4600万行。

    The Eclipse Foundation has announced the release of Eclipse Indigo , a combination of62 projects with a combined total of46 million lines of code between them .

  4. 以上的工作涉及到的程序量约5万行。

    The above work involves 50 , 000 lines program .

  5. 基于前面的算法模型,完成巨大工作量,编制了逾5万行代码的心电工作站软件,并研制了相应的硬件系统,开发成功成熟的心电工作站产品。

    Based on the above algorithm models , a greatness workload has been accomplished .

  6. 不过模型驱动开发还有另外一种类别,它认为流程图的作用堪比成千上万行代码。

    But there 's the other strain of MDSD , those who think diagrams should be worth a thousand lines of code .

  7. 计算机拼图教育游戏软件的实现与应用,其软件系统的代码量达上万行。

    The implementation , application of CNU JPT software , the system software codes amount to more than 10,000 code lines . 3 .

  8. 当前典型的有限元程序大都以结构化编程思想为基础,由成千上万行过程化代码构成。

    Typical finite element programs , which were designed basing on the idea of procedural programming , consist of thousands of lines of procedural codes .

  9. 这意味着当与WebSphereFederationServer结合使用时,WebSphereDataStage读取的数据(70663行)要少于在原先的实现中所读取的数据(240万+77636行)。

    This means that less data is read by WebSphere DataStage in the combined implementation with WebSphere Federation Server ( 70,663 rows ) than in the initial implementation ( 2.4 million + 77,636 rows ) .

  10. 青海省健康教育万里行活动概况

    Outline of Health Education Long Journey in Qinghai Province

  11. 这也是中山慈善万人行一个关键性的特殊制度设计。

    This is also a key special system design .

  12. 这个软件源代码有万余行,它使用了一些新颖的算法和处理方法,基本实现了软件预期的目标;并具有体系结构清楚,用户界面友好的特点。

    The software realized the aim of design by using some new methods and new arithmetic with clear program structure and friendly user interface .

  13. 中山慈善万人行源起1988年春,至今举办23年,是全国首次区域性慈善公开募捐行动,也是目前全国持续时间最长的万人慈善盛会。

    Zhongshan charity of great parade which commenced in 1988 and lasts for 23 years is the first regional charitable fund-raising in public and the longest one all over the country .

  14. 目的探讨术前以6%中分子羟乙基淀粉(130/0.4,万汶)行急性超容血液稀释(AHHD)在肝肿瘤手术患者中的安全性。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of application of preoperative acute hypervolemic hemodilution ( AHHD ) with 6 % HES 130 / 0.4 in patients undergoing hepatic tumor operation .

  15. 和我们一起万里海疆行吧。

    And join us for the happy journey across china .

  16. 在她家,另外7名家庭成员从18岁的弟弟,到65岁的祖母还总计申购到1.3万股工行股票。

    Seven other members of her family - ranging from her 18-year-old younger brother to her 65-year-old grandmother - were allocated an additional 13,000 shares .

  17. 节目的最后还是要提醒您,明天同一时间继续跟我们一起万里海疆行。

    At the end of this program , we 'd still like to remind you to continue to be with us tomorrow at the same time for a happy journey across china .

  18. 今年1月,链接中国工商银行(ICBC)账户与券商账户的一个系统发生故障,导致49亿元人民币的资金转移中断,影响90家券商的近5.5万用户。工行是中国最大的银行。

    In January , a problem in the system linking accounts at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , the country 's largest lender , with securities brokerages , disrupted Rmb4.9bn in fund transfers , affecting nearly 55000 customers at 90 brokerages .

  19. 维诺尼卡经常会泡在图书馆中,读万卷书、行万里路令她在任何社交场合都游刃有余,并且成为人们关注的焦点。

    She goes to the library frequently and her extensive knowledge and experience allow her to take part in any conversation and become the center of attention .

  20. 对于探索知识和真理,中国传统观念强调:“读万卷书,行万里路。”这说明经验与理论同等重要。

    The traditional Chinese belief of the exploration of knowledge and truth emphasizes " reading 10000 books and traveling 10000 miles , " which indicates the importance of experience as much as theory .

  21. 司马迁说“读万卷书,行千里路”,希望同学们都能在人生的道路上以书为伴,好读书,读好书!

    Sima Qian said ," traveling , line a thousand miles way " I hope the students can be on the road of life to the book as a companion , a good read , read good books !

  22. 宋朝的刘彝曾写到“读万卷书,行万里路”,在几乎每个学生都知道这一箴言的中国,上面的调查结果要更符合国情。

    Those numbers are much more in keeping with a country where nearly every student is taught the words of Song Dynasty scholar Liu Yi : ' Reading thousands of books is the same as traveling thousands of miles . '