
  1. 《乐律全书》是明代嘉靖至万历年间产生的一部具有世界先进水平的巨著。

    Yuel ü quanshu is a great work on the level with advanced world music theory .

  2. 明万历年间因转运东莞所有香木始有香港一称。

    Ming Wanli due to transfer all Dongguan Xiang Mu Hong Kong has only one said .

  3. 三娘子是明朝隆庆、万历年间一位杰出的蒙古族女政治家。

    Sanniangzi was an outstanding female politician of Mongolian nationality during Longqin and Wanli time in Ming Dynasty .

  4. 摘要《群音类选》是明代万历年间的一个重要的戏曲选本。

    Classified collection of various sounds is an important Anthology of plays and operas during the wingli era of the Ming dynasty .

  5. 嘉靖、万历年间,中国传统天文学在经历了明初以来长期停滞状态以后出现了复兴的局面,这种复兴是伴随着历法改革而出现的。

    The revival of the traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty appeared along with the calendar reform in the late Ming Dynasty .

  6. 始建于明朝万历年间的古猗园,在众多的江南古典园林中独具魅力。

    Guyi Garden , which was built since the Wanli years of Ming dynasty , is so unique and outstanding among many classic gardens in the South .

  7. 该事件对崂山道教的发展却产生了积极的影响。崂山道教从而在万历年间得到了一定发展。

    This event caused and positive effect on the development of Taoism on Mountain Lao , which thus had some development in the year of " Wanli " .

  8. 至于吸烟据史书记载是哥伦布发现新大陆以后明朝万历年间传入我国的。

    As for smoking , according to historical records , it was introduced into China during the Wanli era of the Ming Dynasty after Columbus had discovered the new continent .

  9. 前言:明嘉靖至万历年间,社会上出现了影响较大的“以人补人”用药风气。

    It was in the period of from Jia Jing to Wan Li Reign that the trend of medication of " man benefits man " appeared with rather great influence in the society .

  10. 最早大约在明朝万历年间,一些西方传教士大量涌入我国,西方文化也随之传入,在这一时期水彩作为一种新媒材、新样式从西方流入中国。

    The first about the Ming Dynasty , some Western missionaries influx of China , and Western culture along with the incoming watercolor as a new media during this period , new styles from the West into China .

  11. 明朝万历年间的援朝抗日战争,是中朝两国军民联合反击日本对朝鲜发动的入侵,维护朝鲜主权与独立的正义战争。

    The War to Resist Japanese Aggression and Aid Korea in Ming Dynasty was a great just war initiated under the cooperation of China and Korea to resist Japan 's invasion into Korea and protect Korea 's sovereignty and independence .

  12. 明代嘉靖(1522-1566)至万历(1573-1620)年间,江村商人崛起于商界。

    During the Ming Dynasty , the merchants rose to prominence in commercial circles From Jajing ( 1522-1566 ) to Wanli ( l573-1620 ) .