
liáng zhǒng
  • improved variety;fine breed;high-quality seed;better strains of seed;picked seeds;fine seed strain
良种 [liáng zhǒng]
  • [better strains of seed;improved variety;fine seed strain; high-quality seed; picked seeds; fine breed] 优良的品种

  • 良种奶牛

  • 玉米良种

良种[liáng zhǒng]
  1. GB/T14073-1993主要造林阔叶林树种良种选育程序与要求

    Selection and breeding of procedure and request of the main broadleaf trees improved variety

  2. 关系数据库层次树查询机制浅析楸树自然变异与良种选择

    Hierarchical tree queries mechanism in relation database system Natural Variation and Improved Variety selection of Catalpa

  3. 这两种水稻都是良种,产量不相上下。

    Both the rice seeds are good strains and will give about the same yield .

  4. 因此通过选育硒富集力强的良种茶树、合理配施硒肥、调节土壤pH值及养分状况以及适时采摘茶叶等措施,可以实现富硒绿茶生产。

    Production of green tea with high Se could , therefore , be achieved through breeding Se-accumulating cultivars , rationalizing Se fertilizer application , regulating soil pH , and timing of harvesting .

  5. 植物立体培育器+ABT生根粉是目前桑树扦插育苗的最佳途径,在桑树良种繁育方面具有广阔推广应用前景。

    It was best way of mulberry cuttage breeding to use the incubator and plant growth regulator ABT.

  6. 良种肉牛MOET育种技术研究

    Studies on the MOET Breeding Techniques of Improved Beef Cattle

  7. 开发固氮生物的绿萍Azolla良种为渔用饲料新资源。

    A new source of fish feed has been developed by exploitation of an improved variety of the nitrogen-fixing water fern Azolla .

  8. 本文报道了吉林省良种细毛羊各育种阶段BLUP选种的方法和结果。

    This peper reports the BLUP selecting method and its results in each breeding stage of fine-breed fine-wool sheep in Jilin .

  9. 根据FAO(世界粮农组织)统计,良种对养殖产品单产增加的贡献率达到了25%,有些沿海发达国家甚至达到40%。

    According to FAO statistics , the contribution rate of excellent seed to aquaculture yield increase has come to 25 % , some even up to 40 % in coastal countries .

  10. 根据记录的流行病学资料,CBPP有可能通过两种途径传入中国,一种是通过我国与俄罗斯边境牛只贸易,另一种是从澳大利亚引进良种牛在上海入境后传入我国。

    One route of infection into China is through trade of cattle between Russia and China and the other is from Australia to Shanghai China to introduce well-bred cattle .

  11. 在田间试验和前人研究的基础上,以比较成熟的CERES-WHEAT模型为研究工具,以我国的主要作物小麦为研究材料,探讨了作物模型在区域试验和良种评价方面的潜在应用。

    Based on the field trial and ancestor 's research and with winter wheat as study material and CERES-WHEAT model as study tool , the potential application of crop simulation model in new wheat cultivars extension was studied in this research .

  12. 黑龙江省2000&2006年大豆良种工程进展

    Soybean well-breed engineering development of Heilongjiang province from 2000 to 2006

  13. 银杏良种繁育技术

    Technique for Propagation and Cultivation of Improved Variety of Ginkgo biloba

  14. 加快甘蔗良种繁育体系建设的探讨

    Discussion on speedy construction of propagating system for elit sugarcane varieties

  15. 利用生物技术快繁甘蔗良种的研究

    Study on the Fast Propagation of Sugarcane Superior Variety by Biotechnology

  16. 培育适于我国自然特点的沙棘良种;

    To breed new seabuckthorn varieties which fit to local conditions .

  17. 春、秋季播种对不同玉米良种影响的研究

    Effects of Spring and Autumn Sowing on Different Fine Maize Varieties

  18. 林业良种化建设的途径与思路

    On the Paths and Ideas of the Varieties Improvement of Forestry

  19. 云南龙眼良种区域化的初步设想

    Tentative Ideas on Regionalization of Improved Varieties of Longan in Yunnan

  20. 中国五大良种黄牛之一&南阳黄牛。

    One of China 's five major varieties of cattle-Nanyang cattle .

  21. 互助黄牛与不同良种肉牛的杂交效果

    Crossbreeding Effects of Huzhu Yellow Cattle and Different Improved Beef Breeds

  22. 茶树良种与茶叶品质的关系及对策

    The Relationship of Improved Tea Varieties & Tea Quality and Countermeasures

  23. 适合陕北枣区的良种选择研究

    Selective Breeding of Jujube Varieties Suitable for Northern Shaanxi Province

  24. 山西雁门关生态畜牧经济区良种肉用种羊舍的设计研究

    Study of the Design for Shanxi Youyu Breed Sheep House

  25. 福建省林木良种现状与对策

    Present Status and Countermeasures of Forest Tree Fine Varieties in Fujian Province

  26. 福建果茶良种繁育场建设规划

    Construction Plannings of Fruit and Tea Fine Variety Breeding Fields in Fujian

  27. 海带良种化生产的研究现状与展望

    Current Status and Prospect of Elite Varieties Program in Kelp Laminaria japonica

  28. 论林业现代化与林木良种现代化

    A Brief Review on Modernization of Forest With Fine Forest Tree Seeds

  29. 短周期良种马尾松制浆造纸性能研究

    Study on the Pulping and Papermaking of Short Rotation Pinus massoniana Wood

  30. 黄牛良种化配套技术项目实施效果

    The Implementation Effect of Integrated Yellow Cattle Improvement Technology Project