
  1. 成都茶馆空间研究

    Research on Teahouse Space of Chengdu

  2. 盖碗茶,成都茶馆的“代言人”,由“盖、碗、托”组成。

    Covered-bowl tea ," spokesperson " of the tea cafes in Chengdu , consists of " lid , bowl , and tray " .

  3. 本文借助于民俗学、心理学、场所等相关理论,对成都茶馆提出了一个新的综合性的概念。

    With the help of relative theories of folklore , psychology and place , this thesis advanced a new and synthetic conception of Chengdu teahouse .

  4. 最后,论文对成都茶馆空间的深层次的意义进行了阐述,并在此基础上引发对现代设计的反思,指出现代设计当中存在的一些问题。

    Finally , this thesis interpreted the deep meaning of Chengdu teahouse , based on which the author introspected modern designs and pointed out some problems .

  5. 所以要完成这个点的研究,就必须对成都传统茶馆进行全面、深入的分析和调研,这样的切入点极具意义。

    Solving this problem , I must conduct a comprehensive , in-depth analysis and research of Chengdu traditional teahouse .

  6. 20世纪初,成都的茶馆是市民日常生活的重要舞台,它们既是娱乐消闲的场所,亦为从事商业以及社会政治活动的空间。

    In Chengdu the teahouse was a vital stage of everyday life for the ordinary urban residents in the early 20 th century and served as both a place of entertainment and a space for commercial , social and political activities .

  7. 发自中国成都-成都的茶馆现在几乎无人问津,旅行社的门市也是门可罗雀,没有人打电话咨询,商铺的店主每天看着电视画面中同胞的痛苦,打发着一天的时光。

    CHENGDU , China & The teahouses are nearly empty , travel agents sit beside silent telephones and shopkeepers pass the day watching the continuing agony of their countrymen on television .