
  1. 腺胃内腺体成宽大集合窦状,为单管状和管泡状腺。

    The gland in glandular stomach assemble are just like wide sinus , which is composed of simple tubular glands and tubulocinar glands .

  2. 如果把当年修渠挖出来的土石垒成宽两米,高三米的城墙。

    If a wall was to be built , 2 meters wide and3 meters high , with the earth and stones that were dug out .

  3. 如同蝗虫成虫结群那样,蝗蝻在条件适宜的情况下将不再继续其作为独立个体的习性并开始集结成宽达5公里的劫掠性虫带。

    Just as adult locusts form swarms , hoppers will , given the right conditions , stop behaving as individuals and line up in marauding bands up to5 kilometres wide .

  4. 提出了将刻字机改装成宽幅面服装绘图仪的方法,详细论述了接口技术、走纸系统、收放纸系统等三个方面的改进措施。

    It brings forward the methods how to refit cutting plotter into wide format apparel plotter , and introduces the three improvement measures particularly : data connecting technique , deliver paper system , receiving / put paper system .

  5. 利用这种NTC热敏电阻研制成了宽温区热敏线性组件(LTN)。

    Based on the NTC thermistors we have developed a wide-temperature range LTN .

  6. 最优上升(以最佳速度、最小燃料消耗量上升)平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。

    Synergic ascent Good flatness , wide range of firing temp , Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process .

  7. 强度高,抗折强度达184MPa。该产品生产成本低,质量稳定,烧成范围宽,生产控制方便。

    They have high strength ( Bending strength 184 MPa ), low cost , good quality stability , wide fire range and convenient process .

  8. 其烧成范围宽,高温稳定性好,既能适应推板窑,又能适应辊道窑中温一次快速烧成。

    It has a wide firing temperature range and a steady high temperature stability . It is adapted to middle-temperature one-fast firing in push bat kiln or roller hearth kiln .

  9. 平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。为了有效地进行燃烧,推进剂必须雾化。

    Good flatness , wide range of firing temp , Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process . For proper combustion it is necessary to atomize the propellants .

  10. 直线电机也需要将次级设计成比初级宽。

    Linear electric motors also need the secondary to be wider than the primary .

  11. 盖贝尔使用撕成2.5厘米宽小条的报纸作为垫料。

    Kim Gabel uses newspaper cut into strips about two and a half centimeters wide .

  12. 取出面团,放在抹上少许油的案板上,用手将其稍微按长后,再用擀面棍擀成10厘米宽,1厘米厚的长条面坯。

    Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out tto a10-cm wide and1-cm thick strip .

  13. 然后把钩子穿过直角支架中间的洞,再把支架压成比滑轮宽一点点的宽度。

    Then pass the hook through the hole that was drilled in the bracket , and squash it a little wider than the pulley .

  14. 不过那天早晨,在所有的红色物体中,最红的物体要算两根被漆成红色的宽木头支架,它们都被竖在紧靠着马洛特村的一块金黄色麦地边上。

    But of all ruddy things that morning the brightest were two broad arms of painted wood , which rose from the margin of a yellow cornfield hard by Marlott village .

  15. 这块地被犁成二十九英寸宽的垄条,准备种大豆。这个文件一共十条,最重要的是第九条,当然其他各条也都是非常重要的。

    The field was laid up in twenty-nine-inch rows for soybeans . The decision is in ten parts , all of which are important , but the ninth is the most important .

  16. 利用心血管造影图像定量描述心血管病变和重建三维心血管,首要任务是将造影图像中的心血管表述成单个象素宽的心血管骨架,而心血管的提取又是心血管骨架提取和决定其提取准确性的关键。

    Quantitative description and 3-D reconstruction of heart vessels are based on thinning vessels to skeletons with only one pixel width . But vessels extraction from angiogram decides the accuracy of vessels skeletonization .

  17. 长着末端成勺形的宽嘴涉水鸟。

    Wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon .

  18. 这些新型的具有好的成膜性和宽吸收光谱的菁染料聚合物能应用于本体异质结太阳能电池中,其光伏性能测试正在进行中。

    These novel cyanine dyes can be used in bulk heterojunction solar cells . The photovoltaic performance measurement is in progress .

  19. 目的探讨根据肌肉解剖形状和血管分布,将阔筋膜张肌皮瓣设计成上窄下宽,呈球拍形的岛状肌皮瓣的可行性。

    Objective To provide a racket shape tensor fascia lata myocutaneous island flap according to the anatomical form and blood supply of the tensor fascia lata .

  20. 用透辉石代替滑石时,透辉石瓷有较低的烧成温度和较宽的烧结范围,其性能符合高频电介质标准的要求。

    As substitution of diopside for talc , the body has lower firing temperature and widening sintering range . The property of diopside porcelain is in keeping with standard of high frequence dielectric .

  21. 本种的唇瓣橘黄色并呈T形,前唇裂片成方形,长宽近相等,唇瓣基部囊内各具一枚钩状胼胝体。

    This species is characterized by having flowers saffron , lip T-shaped , lobules of epichile squarish and not much longer than wide , and each side of sac with only one callus inside .

  22. 适合二次烧成地砖,高光泽、平整度好,烧成范围宽。

    HIghgloss good flatness and wide range of firing tempe rature suitable for double-firing floor tiles .

  23. 研制的高温发泡陶瓷具有烧成温度低、烧成时间短、烧成温度范围宽、易于生产控制的特点。

    The high temperature foamed ceramic produced has low firing temperature , short duration of firing , wide range of firing temperature and easily control production .