
chéng quān
  • looping
成圈[chéng quān]
  1. 介绍了夜光纤维的基本特性和物理机械性能:夜光纤维只要吸收任何可见光10min,就能在黑暗中自行发光10h以上,同时其条干均匀度和柔软度符合针织物成圈要求。

    This paper introduces the basic characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of the luminescent fiber , which can luminesce for more than 10 hours only if absorbing any visible light for 10 minutes . The yarn evenness and softness can meet the looping requirements in knitting process .

  2. 通过成圈机件的重新配置,充分发挥台车编织技术的优点,找到了一种在台车上编织双纱织物的方法。

    With the new configuration of the looping elements and knitting method of the loop wheel machine , A new method to knit double yarn fabric is made .

  3. 莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。

    Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose .

  4. 这个杂技演员可以把身体蜷曲成圈形。

    The acrobat could bend himself into a hoop .

  5. 环绕成圈的树干。(B)相连的根系。

    Circled tree trunks . ( B ) Connected root systems .

  6. 在美国,当被问及“一切还顺利吗?”这样的问题,你可以用“OK”手势来作出回应,即食指与大拇指相触环成圈,其余三个手指指向上方。

    Is everything all right ? In America , you might respond to such a question by flashing the " A-OK " sign , created by touching your forefinger to your thumb and pointing the remaining three fingers straight up .

  7. 本文对GE286型国产双针床短绒经编机的成圈运动以及编织性能做了较为详细地介绍和分析,并为企业如何选择机型提供了一套较为科学的方法。

    The loop-forming movement and the knitting action of GE286 have been described in detail . A method of systematical machine 's selection is recommended .

  8. 暗缝机成圈叉机构动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis for looper drive mechanism of the blind stitching machine

  9. 本文就是以这种大的背景为依托而建立出成圈型贾卡经编针织物计算机仿真研究这一课题。

    This study is set on a background of above-mentioned circumstances .

  10. 成圈型贾卡经编针织物计算机仿真研究

    Research on Computer Simulation of the Stitch Forming Jacquard Warp-knitted Fabric

  11. 把椅子摆放成圈,我们要做游戏。

    Put the chairs in circles and we will play games .

  12. 电缆可以成圈包装,也可以成盘包装。

    Cable can into circle packing , also can in coil packaging .

  13. 很快,孩子们围成圈跳起来,咯咯地笑个不停。

    Soon the kids were dancing in circles and giggling .

  14. 他又长又重的辫子在身旁的泥土地上缠绕成圈。

    His long heavy braid was coiled in the dirt beside him .

  15. 男人们,兄弟们,过来吧,围成圈

    Guys , men , come on , gather round .

  16. 针织成圈时最小线圈长度的研讨

    The Research of the Minimum Loop Length in Knitting

  17. 在手指上用绳子围成圈进行的游戏。

    Game played with string looped over the fingers .

  18. 电脑提花毛圈机成圈过程分析

    An analysis on the process of loop formation of computer-based jacquard terry-looping machine

  19. 每一个死了的孩子都盘成圈,一条白蛇。

    Each dead child coiled , a white serpent .

  20. 铝杆连铸连轧生产线收线成圈装置的优化设计

    Improving design of circle unit for aluminium bar continuous cast - rolling line

  21. 针织机成圈机件与线圈形态的关系

    The Relationship between the Loop-forming Elements and the Loop Configuration of Knitting Machine

  22. 试论针织机械的成圈配合图

    Discussion on Loop Making Coordinate Diagram of Knitting Machine

  23. 纱线在成圈后的拉伸特性探讨

    Investigation on Yarn Stretching Property after Loop Formation

  24. 弯针机构与成圈叉机构是暗缝缝纫机的两个重要机构。

    Bend needle mechanism and looper mechanism are two important mechanisms in blind stitching machine .

  25. 投一块石头到静止的水里,看涟漪荡漾成圈。

    Throw a stone into still water and watch the ripples spread in rings . shrill

  26. 将绳子从这端到那端末尾绕成圈,再打个结系紧。

    Loop that end of the rope through this and make a knot with it .

  27. 横机空针成圈编织的几何条件与应用

    Application and geometrical qualification of the loop knitting without loop on the flat knitting machine

  28. 我听到一个断路器在围成圈。

    I heard a chopper making rounds .

  29. 8字型成圈设备技术设计的分析

    Design of a figure 8 coiling machine

  30. 纬编两面毛圈针织物的成圈过程分析及其编织工艺

    An Analysis of the Loop Forming Course of Double Terry Tubular Fabric and Its Knitting Technology