
  • 网络OUTDOOR PRODUCTS;Outdoor Gear;outdoor supplies
  1. 主营行业:帐篷,户外用品,野营用品,运动休闲,服装,军用物品,救灾物资。

    Bussiness Industry : Tents , outdoor products , camping products , sports and recreation , Clothes , Uniform , police and military supplies , emergency tent .

  2. 本研究从符号消费的角度入手,以户外用品消费者为研究对象,采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对辽宁省部分城市户外用品消费者的消费行为进行调查研究。

    This study starts from symbolic consumption and researches on outdoor sports lovers to study outdoor products consumers through documents , questionnaires , statistics and other research methods .

  3. 户外用品零售商REI在销售逃过僵尸袭击的13种必备工具(13EssentialToolsforSurvivingaZombieOutbreak),每种工具都在REI的门店有售。

    Outdoor retailer REI marketed ' 13 Essential Tools for Surviving a Zombie Outbreak ' ─ each available for purchase at REI stores .

  4. 有迹象表明消费者年底在大型零售业务上的支出,降低了零售商第四季度的收入前景,这些零售商包括美国户外用品店及BedBath&Beyond公司。

    Make some sings consumers year 's end were running in their spending in a number of big retails have cut their fourth quarter earning outlook , including America outfitters and Bed Bath & Beyond .

  5. 柯克已经亲眼目睹了一家公司因为无法驾驭这种挑战而败下阵来,它就是西雅图另一家历史悠久的户外用品公司,也是柯克的前东家&艾迪•鲍尔公司(EddieBauer)。

    Kirk has already seen one company stumble over this challenge , another historic Seattle outfitter that overexpanded to the point of implosion : his previous employer , Eddie Bauer .

  6. 菲尔森公司(Filson)很早以前就开始生产厚羊毛夹克、大包和其他配套户外用品了(这些产品从来不用防水面料Gore-Tex或Velcro这种尼龙搭扣)。

    Filson makes heavy wool jackets and hearty bags and other assorted outdoor gear from a bygone era ( no Gore-Tex or Velcro here ) .

  7. 近年来犹他州已进驻了大量的户外用品公司。

    Utah has experienced a large influx of outdoor companies in recent years .

  8. 那里有许多户外用品商店,以及使用最时髦的长途跋涉器具的运动达人。

    There are dozens of outdoors shops and athletic people sporting the trendiest trekking gear .

  9. 户外用品生产和销售,欢迎您为我们公司提供更好的面料和辅料产品。

    Outdoor goods production and sales , you 're welcome to our company fabric to provide better products and accessories .

  10. 户外用品行业作为一个新兴行业,近年来发展迅速。

    Outdoor industry is a new industry . In recent years , The Speed of Outdoor industry developing is very quick .

  11. 从一间户外用品店内挑好木把手的烧烤叉后,我找到了一块非常适合制作收纳袋的复古窗帘布。

    After picking up some wood-handled skewers from an outdoor store , I found the perfect vintage curtain to make the carrying case .

  12. 本公司的产品适用于制衣、箱包、手袋、鞋材、雨伞、户外用品、玩具、床上用品等。

    The company 's products applied to clothing , luggage , handbags , shoes , umbrellas , outdoor supplies , toys , bedding and so on .

  13. 我们要采购衣服,衣服,T恤,无边帽,夹克,防风林,伞,海滩伞,户外用品,栽培花木伞纺织品。

    We want to buy Garment , Clothing , T-Shirt , Caps , Jackets , Windbreakers , Umbrella , Beach Umbrella , Outdoor Item , Garden Umbrella Textiles .

  14. 圆石城市中心有一条步行街,街上的小店和餐馆鳞次栉比,其中有很多自行车店、户外用品店和户外服装店。

    A walk through the downtown area , which includes a pedestrians'only avenue with cute shops and restaurants , reveals a lot of bicycle shops as well as outdoor equipment and apparel shops .

  15. “我们马上就没‘田’可种了”,该公司环境工作高级经理贝琪•布莱斯代说。天伯伦是一家专门出品靴子、鞋子及其他户外用品的公司。

    " We 're going to run out of space pretty quickly ," says Betsy Blaisdell , senior manager of environmental stewardship at Timberland ( TBL ), maker of boots , shoes and other outdoor gear .

  16. 这种成长同样有益于中国户外运动用品的制造商。

    This major growth also benefits Chinese manufacturers of outdoor products .

  17. 本公司创建于1998年,专业生产渔具系列与户外野营用品系列,是一家集科研、生产、经营为一体的制造公司,产品远销美洲、欧洲、亚洲等地区。

    Set up in the1998 , our company professionally produce the fishing tackle series and outdoor cookhouse thing the series , which are sold far away to America , Europe , Asia etc.

  18. 近年来,中国户外家具及用品产业发展迅猛,已成为世界上无可替代的生产和出口大国。

    The outdoor furniture & home items sector in China has made a great progress in recent years , and she has developed as an irreplaceable powerful player in this sector .

  19. 户外炊具作为户外用品中的重要部分,给人们的户外活动提供了健康饮食的保障。

    As being an important part of outdoor products , outdoor cooking accessories safeguard our healthy diet .

  20. 它所具有的配置,不管是户外团队、活动用品商、还是团队负责人,在停止短期探险时所能想到的医疗用品它都有。

    This kit has everything that a backcountry guide , outfitter or trip leader would want in a medical kit for a short outing .