
hù zhǔ
  • a householder;head of household;head of a household;house holder
户主 [hù zhǔ]
  • (1) [house holder] 一户之主,也称家长

  • (2) [head of household]∶户籍上一家之主

户主[hù zhǔ]
  1. 由于实行高利率和工资冻结措施,许多户主只能是使自己免于负债。

    With high interest rates and a wage freeze , many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water .

  2. 在目前同时采用转Bt基因抗虫棉和非抗虫棉品种的地区,农户的耕地面积、户主的年龄、户主的教育水平和家庭的劳动力数量对转Bt基因抗虫棉的采用都没有显著影响。

    In adopting both Bt cotton and non-Bt cotton region , land size , age and education of household head and labor number do not affect adoption of Bt cotton .

  3. 单因素logistic回归分析,影响求医行为的因素是户主疟疾知识、户主对疟疾流行程度的认识、户主对看病的方便性的认识。

    Health-seeking behavior of the factors affecting : Univariate logistic regression analysis influencing factors as follows : Head of household knowledge of malaria , Head of household awareness of the prevalence of malaria , Awareness of the convenience of medical care .

  4. 如果布勒搬家,SunRun的合同会转移给下一个新户主。

    If Buller moves , SunRun 's contract can be transferred to a new homeowner .

  5. 根据福建省20个县(市、区)539个农户的实地调研数据,通过Logistic回归模型,从户主特征、家庭状况、社区特征等3个方面对农户贫困的影响因素进行实证分析。

    According to the survey data from 20 counties ( cities , districts ) of 539 rural families in Fujian province , the research carried out an empirical analysis of impact factors from characteristics of household head , family status and community characteristics through Logistic regression model .

  6. 花旗银行告诉CNN:“现在状况已经好转,从3月份起就没有再发生虚假交易。”3人涉嫌虚假交易,花旗银行说,他们会偿付账户受到危害的户主。

    Citibank tells CNN : " The situation has been resolved there have been no fraudulent transactions since March " Three people believed to be to the deceptive to be in dialed and Citibank says they 'll repay anyone whose accounts made compromised .

  7. 有些豪宅户主可能并非富豪。

    A few users with posh pads may not be super-rich .

  8. 户主还可以要求添加定金要求以及增加核对程序。

    Owners can add their own deposit requirements and checking procedures .

  9. 北卡罗莱纳,一位刚买了房子的户主发现了一件惊世骇俗的事。

    A new homeowner in North Carolina makes a dreaded discovery .

  10. 女户是由妇女担任户主的民户。

    Female-headed households are folk family whose householder is holded by women .

  11. 我可以跟户主讲话吗?

    Can I speak to the head of the household ?

  12. 户主是个有两个孩子的离了婚的太太。

    The head of the household was a divorced lady with two children .

  13. 美国以女性为户主的家庭的贫困及其根源探究

    The Home The Impoverishment and the Causes of the Female-headed Households in America

  14. 户主的名字肯定会列在这里

    The owner has to be listed here somewhere .

  15. 银行借记卡,户主…夏.福尔摩斯。

    Debit card , name of ... S Holmes .

  16. 农村贫困家庭户主健康风险认知与行为分析

    Analysis on Knowledge and Behavior Toward Health Related Risks Among Poor Rural Family Heads

  17. 进入银行户主可通过电子系统即刻查找自己的支票活期存款账户。(或:银行客户可通过电子系统立即取出活期存款。)

    Bank customers can have access to their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system .

  18. 户主根本不着急得到建4层居民房的申请许可。

    The owners are in no rush to get planning permission to build four-storey houses .

  19. 第三,不同户主特征的家户的脆弱程度也有所差异。

    Thirdly , the vulnerability of the household with different households ' characters also varies .

  20. 相当啊,户主是安德莉亚·布朗

    Very . Belongs to Andrea Brown .

  21. 时令方为八月,户主们已开始砍堆木柴准备过冬了。

    In August , owners were already cutting and stacking logs in preparation for winter .

  22. 户主是亚历山大市的瑞安·弗莱彻

    belongs to Ryan Fletcher of Alexandria .

  23. 女户主家庭问题区域讨论会;

    Regional Seminar on women-headed households ;

  24. 是男性户主针对家庭里的,所有其他成员。

    It 's male heads of households against everybody else who would be members of their household .

  25. 覆盖面涵盖5名家庭成员,包括户主和配偶以及多达3名受抚养人。

    Coverage extends to five family members , including the head and spouse and up to three dependents .

  26. 在电气火灾中如果户主试图使用不正确的灭火器就可能受伤。

    A homeowner can get hurt trying to use the wrong kind of extinguisher on an electrical fire .

  27. 他证实了迈阿密海滩的那份账户户主确实是伊莱·坦能伯格先生

    He was able to confirm the owner of the account to Mr. Ira Tannenberg from Miami beach .

  28. 士兵们掷石头打破窗子爬进民房,当着惊骇的户主的面进行洗劫。

    Soldiers threw stones through windows , climbed inside and ransacked houses before the eyes of the terrified occupants .

  29. 在这五年内,户主的平均年龄几乎减了一年。

    In this five year span , the medial age of household heads dropped by almost one full year .

  30. 随着户主年龄的增加,家庭消费支出逐渐减少,尤其是中低消费群体。

    With the age of household head increasing , consumption expenditure decreased , especially for the low consumption group .