
hù wài
  • outdoors;open;open air;abroad
户外 [hù wài]
  • (1) [outdoors]∶室外露天处

  • 在正餐时间从户外回来

  • (2) [open]∶作为与室内有区别的室外

  • 在户外度过白天

户外[hù wài]
  1. 雨天使他们无法户外用餐。

    The rain prevented them from eating outdoors .

  2. 美好的户外活动不必很奢侈。

    Life in the great outdoors isn 't supposed to be luxurious .

  3. 大多数户外运动衣服必须透气且防水。

    Breathable , waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sports .

  4. 街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。

    Children from the flats across the street were playing outside .

  5. 你应该多到户外去走走。

    You ought to get out of the house more .

  6. 我们被迫在户外天寒地冻的环境下工作。

    We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions .

  7. 走出户外时,她一时被阳光照得眼睛昏花。

    When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun .

  8. 你应多点到户外透透气。

    You should spend more time out of doors .

  9. 孩子需要在户外玩耍。

    Children need to play out in the open .

  10. 你应多花点时间在户外呼吸新鲜空气。

    You should spend more time out of doors in the fresh air .

  11. 他从寒冷的户外进来,眼镜马上蒙上了一层雾气。

    As he came in from the cold , his glasses misted up .

  12. 与户外的湿热相比,屋里真是凉爽惬意。

    It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside .

  13. 我不是个真正喜爱户外活动的人。

    I 'm not really the outdoor type .

  14. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心理筹划到户外聚会。

    We took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside .

  15. 今天户外的确很冷。

    It 's really bitter out today .

  16. 我们来一次户外烧烤吧!

    Let 's have a barbecue !

  17. 天气太好了,适合户外工作。

    The weather was fine enough for working out of doors .

  18. 如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。

    If you enjoy outdoor activities , this is the trip for you

  19. 在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远让人不得安生。

    Outdoors , mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment .

  20. 除了最严寒的冬季,这种植物都能在户外生长。

    The plant will stand all but the worst winters out of doors .

  21. 我非常喜欢跑步,大多数时候都在户外训练。

    I am a very keen runner and am out training most days .

  22. 天气很暖和,整个下午都可以呆在户外。

    It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon

  23. 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。

    Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl 's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown

  24. 他非常喜欢户外运动,酷爱摄影和徒步旅行。

    He is a keen outdoors man with a great interest in photography and walking .

  25. 我喜爱户外运动。

    I 'm a lover of the outdoors

  26. 我们要到户外用午餐。

    We 'll take a picnic lunch .

  27. 该仪式正在户外举行。

    The ceremony was being held outdoors .

  28. 该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。

    The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography .

  29. 玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。

    Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports

  30. 她酷爱户外运动。

    She is an avid outdoors woman