
  • 网络OUTDOOR;Outdoor Furniture
  1. 随着全球经济的发展和社会的进步,户外家具产业得到了前所未有的快速的发展,在日益激烈的竞争环境中,X户外家具针对北美市场有着巨大的发展潜力。

    Along with the global economic development and social progress , the outdoor furniture industry has been developing in an unprecedentedly rapid pace . Facing an increasingly competitive environment , the X outdoor furniture has a huge potential in the North American market .

  2. 城市户外家具是城市环境和景观的重要组成部分。

    Outdoor furniture is important components of the urban environment and landscape .

  3. 城市户外家具的人性化设计初探

    A Survey of Humanized Design of Urban Outdoor Furniture

  4. 查阅有关拍卖这两个新的用于户外家具和烧烤的。

    Check out the auctions for both new and used outdoor furniture and BBQ 's.

  5. 本文阐述了城市户外家具独特的设计原则,为其以后的设计实践提供理论支持。

    This article elaborates the special principles of the urban outdoor furniture design for further researches .

  6. 户外家具具有室内家具的基本特征,又是城市景观环境中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    It is provided with the basic character and is also an indispensable component of a city .

  7. 木质户外家具与场所有着紧密的关系,应充分考虑其场所适应性。

    Outdoor wooden furniture and the locations have a close relation , their adaptability should be fully considered .

  8. 他们收购了意大利钢制品制造商、德国户外家具生产商,以及匈牙利化学品生产商。

    They have bought Italian makers of steel products , German manufacturers of patio furniture , and Hungarian chemical producers .

  9. 但城市户外家具既不等同于公共环境设施又不等同于园林小品,是家具却又不同于室内家具。

    Urban outdoor furniture can not equal the public environmental facilities , and it shouldni-tbe regarded as simple garden ornament .

  10. 户外家具的体量、形式、轮廓、色彩、质感以及内涵等直接反映了户外景观的形象。

    The volume-weight , form , shape , color , texture , connotation and etc. , directly reflect the image of landscape .

  11. 城市户外家具是构成公共空间环境的重要要素,是城市景观的主体和城市景观中的节点。

    Outdoor furniture in city is an important component of public environment and principal part of city landscape as well as a node .

  12. 与一般的产品设计程序、方法与原则相比,城市户外家具人性化设计应遵循自己特有的设计原则;城市户外家具人性化设计方法同样以系统论设计方法为基础;

    Compared with general product development , humanized design of outdoor furniture in city should follow its own particular processes , methods , and principles .

  13. 木质户外家具的材质应适应场所的露天性及气候的影响因素,选用实木时需及时做好油漆和防腐处理;

    Outdoor wooden furniture material should be adapted to the influencing factors as outdoor weather of the location with the timely paint and anticorrosive processed .

  14. 户外家具的历史可以追溯到原始社会,当时就地取材的简易石桌、石凳就是最早的户外家具。

    Outdoor furniture dates back to primitive society , then make the best of the simple stone table , stone stool is the earliest outdoor furniture .

  15. 其中最恼人的一件事情是关于户外家具,如果您将它留在外面,当发生恶劣天气时,它的趋势将打破或变得无法使用。

    One of the most annoying things about outdoor furniture is its tendency to break down or become unusable if you leave it uncovered outside during inclement weather .

  16. 城市户外家具设计评估的提出,为现代中国城市户外家具未来的发展提供了保障,同时也为我国生产户外家具的企业设计创新提供必要的理论支持。

    The assessment can be guarantee for the development of Chinese city outdoor furniture design and provide the necessary support for domestic furniture enterprise to innovate their design .

  17. 除了卧室外,美国人还将餐厅、家庭影院、吧台甚至浴室都搭建在后院,里面摆放的是适应各种天气的户外家具。

    In addition to the bedroom , all-weather furnishings for the formal dining room , home theater , wet bar and even the shower are now on the market .

  18. 第三章论述了户外家具情感化理论依据、审美情感、要素、原则等,最后提出户外家具的和谐化设计理念。

    The third chapter discusses the emotional theory basis , the aesthetic emotion and outdoor furniture elements , principles , finally bring forward the harmonization of outdoor furniture design concept .

  19. 基于对家具概念的认识和对景观环境设施内容的分析,本文将城市户外家具分为两大类:一是公共环境户外家具,二是私人庭院户外家具。

    In this paper the outdoor furniture is classified into public environmental and private garden outdoor furniture based on the knowledge of furniture concept and analysis of landscape environmental facility .

  20. 户外家具作为21世纪家具界的新宠,体现着人们休闲放松的生活理想,顺应了国际发展趋势。

    As a favored product of the21st century , outdoor furniture , which is complying with the international development tendency , manifests the leisure and relaxes life style of people .

  21. 近年来,中国户外家具及用品产业发展迅猛,已成为世界上无可替代的生产和出口大国。

    The outdoor furniture & home items sector in China has made a great progress in recent years , and she has developed as an irreplaceable powerful player in this sector .

  22. 本文最后还提出城市户外家具的设计评估,阐述了从评估内容、评估方法、评估分析到评估结论的获得步骤。

    Finally the thesis ends with the proposed assessment of design of outdoor furniture in city , in which the steps in assessment are elaborated from content , method , analyses and results .

  23. 招商酒店,拥有西南纽约和招商府河餐馆在炮台公园市的合作伙伴,理查德科恩,说他是确保所有的户外家具是安全的。

    Richard Cohn , a partner at Merchants Hospitality , which owns the Southwest NY and Merchants River House restaurants in Battery Park City , said he is making sure all outdoor furniture is secure .

  24. 此外,将美国心理学家唐纳德·A-诺曼情感化的原理与户外家具完美结合,提出了情感体验与本能水平,情感传递与行为水平,情感倾诉与反思水平三个构成,实现情感呼唤诉求。

    In addition , the American psychologist Donald a. Norman principle and outdoor furniture perfect combination of emotional , emotional experience and instinct level , emotional and behavioral levels , emotional pouring and reflection on three level , calling for emotional appeal .

  25. 第四章以台湾省、深圳市、厦门市以及九江市为例,探讨户外家具情感化设计的现状,客观地进行了评析,并提出指导性的建议。

    The fourth chapter taking in Taiwan , Shenzhen city , Xiamen city and Jiujiang city as an example , this paper discusses the current situation of outdoor furniture emotional design , the author analyses objectively , and guiding Suggestions are put forward .

  26. 金属仿藤椅子,户外休闲藤家具,藤沙发。

    Aluminum rattan chair , outdoor furniture , home wicker sofa , rattan furniture .

  27. 高性能户外用聚丙烯家具料的研究

    Study of High-performance PP for Outdoor Furniture

  28. 本文主要针对永久固定在户外使用的木质家具进行其表面涂膜的老化性能研究。

    In this paper , experiments on the aging behavior of the surface paint films of permanent outdoor wooden furniture were performed .