
  1. 计算机辅助制造在注塑模具加工中的应用

    Application of computer aided manufacturing in injection mould processing

  2. 介绍了利用Pro/E软件编制操纵杆注塑模具数控加工程序的过程,分析了操纵杆模具的加工工艺与加工策略,并探讨了Pro/E软件提供的各种制造几何形状在数控加工编程中的应用。

    The NC programming for injection mould of joystick was introduced by Pro / E software . The machining process and strategies of the joystick mould are analyzed , and the applications of manufacturing geometries provide by Pro / E in NC programming are discussed .

  3. 基于CAD/CAM软件在注塑模具设计以及加工编程中的应用研究

    Application of CAD / CAM software in designing and machining of the injection moulding

  4. 注塑模具是塑料加工中重要的成型方法之一,其技术已发展相当成熟,且应用非常普遍。

    Injection plastic mold is one of the most important mold methods in plastic processing , which have developed to be a mature technology and have a wide application .

  5. 基于UG的吹风机外壳注塑模具设计及数控加工

    Design and NC Manufacturing of Plastic Injection Mold Based on UG Software

  6. 现结合实际注塑模具的设计与加工阐述UG在注塑模具中的应用。它的应用可大大缩短模具的交付时间,为企业降低生产成本提供一个有效的手段。

    This article takes design of the mold wizard to elaborate the UG application in the mold wizard , thus shortening consignation time of the molding tool , lowering the production cost to provide a valid means for the business enterprise .

  7. 基于Pro/E的注塑模具设计与数控加工研究

    Research on Plastic Mold Design and NC Manufacturing Based on Pro / E

  8. 研究结果对注塑模具设计与数控加工具有一定的参考价值。

    The research results have reference value to the design and NC manufacturing program of plastic mold .

  9. 我们必须在借鉴传统方法的基础上尝试新的突破。本文详细的介绍了一种用于模具加工车间的视频采集系统,用以采集注塑模具在注塑过程中模具加工的视频图像。

    We must try to make the new breakthroughs based on traditional methods . A video capture system for mold processing in the workshop is introduced by this paper , the system uses to collect the video image of injection processing during the injection molding .