
  1. 我首先要感谢加拿大主办这次注重行动的论坛。

    Let me begin by thanking Canada for organizing this action-oriented forum .

  2. 注重行动与成就,使人变得冷漠,对人缺乏同情,缺乏激情。

    Emphasizing on action and achievement makes people to become cold without sympathy and passion .

  3. 组织者已经开始采取比前几年更注重行动的方法,并将提出具体倡议以应对这些挑战。

    Organizers are taking a more action-oriented approach than in years past and will propose specific initiatives to respond to these challenges .

  4. 与先前的战略不同的是,这项战略通过把森林在经济发展、减轻贫困和环境保护等方面的用途相结合,制定了一种注重行动的方法。

    The strategy , in contrast to its predecessors , charts an action-oriented approach combining use of forests for economic development , poverty reduction , and environmental protection .

  5. 但是本杰明·胡克斯(BenjaminHooks)更注重司法行动的重要性。

    But Benjamin Hooks placed more importance on legal activism .

  6. 在我们进入下周的罗马会议的同时,注重具体行动十分重要。

    As we go into the Rome meeting next week , it is crucial that we focus on specific action .

  7. 两个模式具有共同的特点:均未对东亚共同体的概念加以深究,都注重务实的行动方案;

    These two models share some common ground : both treat the EAC concept in ambiguous and flexible way , with a focus on pragmatic action plans ;