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  • private foundation
  1. 多伦多移民就业委员会的财政支持者包括加拿大最大的两家金融机构&多伦多道明银行(Toronto-DominionBank)和宏利金融集团(ManulifeFinancial),一家私人基金会,以及安大略省的一家政府机构。

    Triec 's financial backers include Toronto-Dominion Bank and Manulife Financial , two of Canada 's biggest financial institutions , a private foundation and an Ontario government agency .

  2. 苏富比说,拍卖收益将被用于支付遗产税,填充陶布曼私人基金会的金库。该基金会已经是密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)等机构的主要捐助者。

    Sotheby 's said the proceeds from the sales will be used to settle estate taxes and to fund Mr. Taubman 's private foundation , filling the coffers of an organization that is already a major donor to the University of Michigan and other institutions .

  3. “显然,这些医疗债务把那些已经很接近生活边缘的人推向了边缘,”KarenDavis(推进更好的获得医疗保险私人基金会会长)说道。

    " Obviously , this medical debt can push people over the edge who are already close to the edge ," said Karen Davis , president of the private foundation that promotes better access to health care .

  4. 创建私人基金会或捐赠者顾问基金(donor-advisedfund),可以让亲属共同参与到一个项目来,或是关注对家族具有重要性的问题,还有助于在资金管理、组织运作方面对子女进行教育。

    Creating a private foundation or a donor-advised fund can bring relatives together on a project or issue of personal significance to the family and help educate children in the management of money and running an organisation .

  5. 美国私人基金会及其支持科学事业的考察

    U.S. Private Foundations and the Characters of their Support for Science

  6. 该私人基金会致力于消灭致命疾病和贫困。

    The private foundation is working to end deadly diseases and poverty .

  7. 美国私人基金会在美国文化外交中的作用探析

    The Analysis of Private Foundation 's Participation in American Cultural Diplomacy Function

  8. 一提到私人基金会人们就会想到慈善事业。

    Once referred to a Private Foundation , people would think of " philanthropy " .

  9. 由于讲求结果的私人基金会提供了大量资金,奖金形式如今可能正在卷土重来。

    Prizes may be making a comeback because of all the money now available from private foundations which demand results .

  10. 对美国私人基金会的研究,有利于全面深入地了解美国社会。

    It is good for us to get a comprehensive in-depth understanding of American society in researching U.S. Private Foundation .

  11. 近现代基金会的发展经历了三个阶段,其间公司的内部治理结构移植于基金会之中,以公司基金会为代表的私人基金会大量产生。

    The developments of modern foundation experience three stages , and the structure of the company governance was transplanted into foundation during that time .

  12. 萨克斯表示,如果其他不那么富有的人也向私人基金会作出捐赠,他们也可以对全球发展产生重大影响。

    If other , less wealthy individuals also contributed to a private sector foundation they could have significant impact on global development , Mr Sachs said .

  13. 私人基金会表示,他们经常面临压力,要求将资金转往政府运营的慈善机构,并且不准资助可能涉及敏感领域的非政府组织。

    Private foundations say that they often face pressure to channel money towards government-run charities and are discouraged from funding non-governmental groups that might be involved in sensitive areas .

  14. 一些企业家罕见地公开投入政治辩论,指出四川大地震显示出需要给建立私人基金会更多自由度。

    In a rare public foray into such political debates , some entrepreneurs argue that the Sichuan earthquake has shown the need for much more freedom to establish private charities .

  15. 私人基金会对美国社会的发展产生着巨大影响,尤其是对美国高等教育的发展起到不可估量的重要作用,这是其他国家基金会所无法比拟的。

    Private foundations take an immeasurable effect to society development , especially to the development of American higher education , which has the great use beyond that of other national foundations .

  16. 主要介绍了本论文的选题理由、选题目的和意义以及国内外关于私人基金会研究的状况。二、美国私人基金会的简况。

    It mainly describes the reasons for the purpose and significance , as well as topics of domestic and international research on the status of private foundations . Second , U.S. Private Foundations profiles .

  17. 美国私人基金会是美国社会经济和政治发展的独特产物。

    As one kind of tremendously complex social organizations and civil society organizations , the private foundations in U.S. are the unique results of social , economic and political development of the United States .

  18. 私人基金会是美国社会中一朵亮丽的奇葩,它不仅对美国社会改良起到了非常重要的作用,同时也对美国高等教育的发展产生了非常重要的影响。

    The private foundation in the American society that is a wonderful bright , it not only played a very important role on the social improvement of American but also on the development of American higher education .

  19. 美国在教育方面的支出比其他任何发达国家都要多,而且大部分的资金是来源于父母和私人基金会。每名学生在美国的总支出约为15000美元,位居全球第一位。

    The U.S. spends more on education than any other developed nation , and most of the funding comes from the pockets of parents and private foundations . Total spending per student in the U.S. tops $ 15000 .

  20. 第三部分内容是本文的核心部分,分别从美国私人基金会捐赠高等教育的动因、方式及其产生的利、弊两方面的影响进行了详细的论述。

    Actually the third part is the core of this article , the point which from the U.S. private foundations the motivation of higher education , methods and the resulting benefits , both of disadvantages discussed in detail .

  21. 私人基金会的对华活动拓宽了美中关系的基础,丰富了美中关系的内涵,产生了对美中关系正常发展强烈和持久的粘合作用、弹性作用和缓冲作用。

    Their activities in China have widened the bases of Sino-American relations , enriched the connotations of bilateral relations , and engendered the conglutinative , elastic and buffer effects strongly and everlastingly helpful to the normal development of U.S. - China relations .

  22. 美国的私人基金会是一种极具特色的社会组织和民间力量,从它诞生之日起,私人基金会就积极地参与到社会慈善事业当中来,为美国社会和人民的福祉做出了卓越贡献。

    American Private Foundations is a very unique social organization and non-governmental force . Private Foundation actively involved in community philanthropy among the years , it have made an outstanding contribution for the well-being of American society and the people starting from its birth date .

  23. 山艺术的收藏与中国当代艺术发展的大背景息息相关,体现了在艺术市场发展中一个私人基金会收藏的重要角色,并对艺术史的发展和艺术家的成功起着重要的推动和促进作用。

    The collection of Mountain art foundation is in close attach with the background of the development of Chinese contemporary art . It plays a important role in the development of art market , accelerate the development of art history , and promote the success of artists .

  24. 美国私人基金会的参与弥补了联邦政府在这些方面的资金短缺和投入的不足,为美国教育、科技、医疗事业及文化艺术的发展做出了贡献。

    Having been involved in the federal government , U.S. Private Foundation makes up funding shortfalls in these aspects and the lack of inputs . It makes a contribution for American education , science and technology , health care career and the development of arts and culture .

  25. 结语,概括全文,美国私人基金会作为一个现代化过程中的的社会组织,在社会发展中占有一席之地,在美国社会生活中扮演着重要角色,推动了美国社会慈善事业的发展。

    It is the summary part . As a social organization in the modernization process , U.S. Private Foundation has taken a place in the process of social development . It plays an important role in social life and promotes the development of philanthropy in American society .

  26. 她的转变得益于公益创投基金私人股本基金会(privateequityfoundation)的导师们。

    The transformation came through mentors from the private equity foundation , a venture philanthropy fund .

  27. 英国成立了一家慈善基金私人股本基金会(privateequityfoundation),多少承认了业内高管享有特权,且有必要拿出金钱和时间,回报穷人。

    In the UK , the private equity foundation , a charity , has been established , partly in recognition that the industry executives are privileged and need to be giving back to the less well-off , both in money and time .

  28. School-HomeSupport与教师和家长通力合作,力求使孩子们从教育中获得最大益处。它是私人股本基金会资助的十几家慈善团体之一。

    School-Home Support , which works with teachers and families to ensure children get the most out of their schooling , is one of more than a dozen charities the Private Equity Foundation has opted to fund .

  29. 私人股本基金会的宗旨是帮助既未在校、也未接受职业培训的年轻人。

    The aim is to help young people not in education and training .

  30. 私人慈善基金会将使中国人民获益匪浅,俞敏洪称。

    Private charitable foundations could become a very important benefit for the Chinese people , Mr Yu said .