- 网络Private Banker;Private Banker International

Billionaires fly to Art Basel Miami Beach to buy from big galleries , private bankers tell clients to diversify into art ;
The € 50bn figure , equivalent to about 4 per cent of the gross domestic product , is higher than private bankers ' expectations .
After the IPO , the private bankers are hoping to capture a large part of the float proceeds that their investment banking colleagues helped to create .
Leading members of the Swiss private bankers association have recognised they may have to raise tax compliance with clients and , if necessary , encourage them to declare previously hidden assets .
Various suitors , from private bankers to the French billionaire Bernard Arnault , have given up on the idea of acquiring his company .
' Bermuda is very unassuming , ' says Neal Churchill , a private banker with Butterfield Bank ( UK ) Ltd. , who lived here for three years and was back for a visit from Monaco .
Bermuda is very unassuming , ' says Neal Churchill , a private banker with Butterfield Bank ( UK ) Ltd. , who lived here for three years and was back for a visit from Monaco . '
A study by Accenture found that Asian private bankers generate around $ 600,000 in annual revenue compared with $ 1.1 million in North America and $ 1.3 million in Europe .
JPMorgan 's private bankers now recommend that very rich individuals - those with $ 25m or more - and institutions put 35 per cent of their portfolios in alternatives , and 20 per cent of that into hedge funds .
The travel bans , which have not been brought in by all banks , have focused on those visiting the US , following the detention there last year of a senior private banker from UBS , Switzerland 's biggest bank , as part of a federal tax investigation .
The shift by the private bankers , whose association comprises 14 of the oldest wealth managers in Switzerland , such as Pictet , has not been fully spelled out .
Gery bruederlin , group head of human resources at UBS , says its private bankers have grown in number by about 20 per cent a year in Europe , excluding the mature Swiss market , and by about 30 per cent in Asia .
Above all private bankers say the personal relationship is crucial .
A single private banker looks after only about 50 clients .
Private bankers stress that they cannot force clients to reveal information .
Central banks want private bankers to take more risk .
And that requires a new breed of private banker with improved financial skills .
Meanwhile , the churn of private bankers between institutions could also prove unsettling .
The golden schmoozers of private banking will have to roll up their sleeves .
Senior private bankers in Asia say there has been little sign of substantial inflows .
Private bankers recognise the world of wealth management has changed significantly over the last few years .
Yet despite the apparent jump , Asian private bankers produce fewer revenues than their global counterparts .
We have reduced the loading of private bankers in some cases by half , he says .
As a private banker and intimate friend of bismarck , Bleichroder was a famous banker in berlin .
Rampant wage inflation may create an incentive for private bankers to justify their salaries by being more aggressive about selling products .
While Mr Dougan was not personally in charge of its rogue private bankers , he is responsible for Credit Suisse itself .
Investment banks put together commodity indices , based on futures , providing products for private bankers to sell to their clients .
This is particularly the case in those markets where there is a wide shortage of quality private bankers , such as Asia .
This is particularly pronounced in Asia , where the pool of experienced private bankers with strong links to wealthy clients is relatively small .
Many seasoned private bankers recognise , however , that fraud has alwaysoperated on the fringes of their business - and may be almost unavoidable .