
  1. 私放在押人员罪是一种严重的渎职犯罪行为。

    Releasing prisoners without authorization is a serious crime of dereliction of duty .

  2. 看守所被羁押人员的心理管理私放在押人员罪研究

    Psychological Administration to Detained Persons in Watch House Study on Crime of Releasing Personnel in Custody without Authorization

  3. 私放在押人员罪比较研究&以构成特征为分析视角

    A Comparative Study on Crime of Releasing Personnel in Custody without Authorization : in View of Analysis Based on Constitution Feature

  4. 第二章罪篇就该罪的一些理论问题进行研究,认为本罪罪名应定为私放刑事在押人员罪。

    Chapter 2 puts a research on some theoretic issues of such crime and holds the definition of such crime of releasing the criminal person held in custody without authorization .