
  • 网络the Monterrey Consensus
  1. 回顾《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》,其中着重指出在各级打击腐败是优先事项。

    Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development , which underlined that fighting corruption at all levels is a priority .

  2. 还注意到《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》。

    Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development .

  3. 如果发达国家和发展中国家按照它们在2002年议定的蒙特雷共识尽自己的努力的话,大多数国家仍然可以实现大多数千年发展目标。

    Most countries could still achieve most of the MDGs if developed and developing countries do their parts as agreed to in the2002 Monterrey Consensus .