
  • 网络montessori teacher;AcmT
  1. 这个应用程序是共同开发和认证的AMI蒙台梭利教师批准,四十年以上的经验!

    This app was co-developed and approved by an AMI certified Montessori teacher with over forty years experience !

  2. 蒙台梭利教育法强调教师要在儿童的主动学习中扮演引导者和支持者的角色。

    Montessori method emphasizes teacher 's role as inductor and support in children 's initiative learning .

  3. 当前,一批研究蒙台梭利教育法的译著、专著和学术论文相继问世,蒙台梭利教育中国化实践迅速开展,蒙台梭利幼儿园教师培训日益规范化。

    A good number of translated works , books and journals have been published ; localized Montessori educational methods have been put into practice and teacher training has also been normalized .