
  • 网络Love the city;esons
  1. 我爱城市人人重庆招商银行重庆形象信用卡火热上市

    I love city everyone of Chongqing

  2. 那是一家典型的曼哈顿餐馆,DanDoctoroff身着牛仔裤和短袖衬衫,一边啜着无糖苏打一边赞美着这座他深爱的城市。

    SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner , Dan Doctoroff , clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt , is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves .

  3. 我爱这城市中两个世界的碰撞。

    I like it in the city when two worlds collide .

  4. 费城是个代表兄弟之爱的城市;

    Philadelphia is the city of Brotherly love ;

  5. 我住的城市,我爱的城市。

    The city I live which I love .

  6. 我从出生就生活在这个城市里,我很爱这个城市。

    I have lived here since I was born . I really love this city .

  7. 噢,我非常爱这个城市,我照了很多美丽的相片。

    Claire : Oh , I love the city very much and I 've taken lost of beautiful pictures .

  8. 小说的开篇设在但丁最爱的城市、意大利弗洛伦撒的一家医院里,患上失忆症的兰登从昏迷中醒来。

    The novel opens in Dantes beloved city , Florence , where Langdon wakes up in a hospital bed suffering from amnesia .

  9. 同时我们也非常爱这个城市,它很活跃,每时每刻都有不同的故事上演。在这个城市无论是居住还是从事表演都很适宜。

    And we really love the city , its very alive , lots if going on , a good city for both live and perform .

  10. 噢,我非常爱这个城市,我照了很多美丽的相片。我在想我怎样跟巴黎的朋友分享。

    Claire : Oh , I love the city very much and I 've taken lots of beautiful pictures . I 'm thinking of how to share them with my friends in Paris .

  11. 哈米迪戴着名牌眼镜,缠着纯白色头巾,上身一件极其合身的棕色羊毛上衣,围着同样颜色和质地的围巾,全身上下干净整洁的他,想让这座深爱的城市也如自己一样干净整洁。

    Immaculate himself , in designer glasses and pure white perahan tunban topped with a perfectly matching brown wool jacket and scarf , the mayor wanted nothing less for the town he adored .

  12. 他和每个人一样,对所发生的事感到哀伤,不知所措&怎么会有人对全世界最充满爱的城市下此毒手?

    Like every-one else he was paralyzed with grief at what had happened & how could somebody inflict such an appalling atrocity on the city that is the most full of love of anywhere in the world ?

  13. 调查显示,合肥取代了浙江金华位居2016年中国“最爱阅读城市榜”榜首,郑州、温州和昆明的排名紧随其后。

    According to the survey , Hefei replaced Jinhua , Zhejiang , at the top position of the most bookish cities in China this year . Following Hefei in the ranking were Zhengzhou , Wenzhou and Kunming .

  14. 他和每个人一样,对所发生的事感到哀伤,不知所措——怎么会有人对全世界最充满爱的城市下此毒手?

    Like every-one else he was paralyzed with grief at what had happened - how could somebody inflict such an appalling atrocity on the city that is the most full of love of anywhere in the world ?

  15. 那些在夜晚的街灯照耀下熠熠发光的石头街道、散发历史气息的建筑、美妙的音乐、绝赞的食物以及打扮养眼的当地人,这样的巴黎无疑是我最爱的城市之一。

    Paris is one of my favorite cities in the world thanks to its cobblestone streets lit up at night under the glow of street lights , historic architecture , incredible music , savory delicious food , and smartly-dressed locals .

  16. 不用,让他说,我很爱这座城市…

    No. Let him talk .... I do love this town ...

  17. 哦上帝啊这就是我为什么这么爱这座城市。

    Serena : Oh , my god , this is what I love about this city .

  18. 爱疯被城市装甲设备复合外壳号称是提供军事级别保护的外壳保护着。

    The iPhone was protected by an Urban Armor composite case which claims to provide ' military-grade protection ' .

  19. 我学会了用利物浦的方式去爱这座城市,这里的人们,我在利物浦结交了很多的朋友。

    I learn to love the lfc way , the city , the people and I made lots of friends in Liverpool .

  20. 哦,上帝啊,这就是我为什么这么爱这座城市。bump:偶然遇见,碰见,遭到(into)你总能在街上遇到熟人。

    Serena : Ohm god , this is what , I love about this city -- You 're always bumping into people .

  21. 但是真正使我们感到惊奇的是人口最密集,传统上最爱读书的城市并没有上榜。

    What 's surprising to us , though , is the fact that some of the most populated and most traditionally bookish cities didn 't make the cut .

  22. 也不知道你的名字,但是我亲眼看到过你做过不可思议之事来保护我爱的这座城市。

    I don 't know your name , but I have seen you do the impossible to protect the city I love .

  23. 我深爱着这座城市还有这里的人们,因为那段烽火岁月中我与他们在战场上一起出生入死。

    I love the city and the people here . I 've been with them for many years and I fought alongside them .

  24. 爱寒冷,爱微风,爱城市和田野。

    Love the cold , love the wind , love the cities and the fields .

  25. 这条赛道是我的最爱没有之一:我爱这座城市,这里的人和车迷的态度(癞痢头儿子自己喜欢是伐?)

    Rubens Barrichello : This is my favourite race : I love the city , the people and the attitude of the fans .

  26. 现在发生的事和我的计划有所出入,处境很艰难,我想待在这里,我爱这里的球迷,我爱这座城市的一切,只是,现在这些也许已经不适合我了。

    It happened different from my plan , the situation is very difficult , I want to stay here , I love the fans here , I love all the city , but they may not fit me .