
  1. 体育建筑专业委员会成立同时评选全国中小型体育馆竞赛方案第23届IASPEI大会及其执行局会议概述


  2. 本文给出了全国中&大雨以上降水概率MOS预报的制作方法、样本过滤条件、预报因子的设计与推导、预报值后处理以及检验与误差原因分析。

    The approach to produce MOS probability forecasts of moderate and heavy . precipitation is shown in the paper . So are the conditions to narrow sample size , design and derivation of predictors , procedure to adjust the forecast probabilities as well as verification and reasons for errors .

  3. 1990年全国中厚板轧机生产技术研讨会

    National Symposium on production and technology of plate mill 1990

  4. 第四次全国中厚板生产技术交流会

    The Fourth National Symposium on steel plate production and technology

  5. 川产地道药材产量大、质量优,是全国中药材的主产区。

    Sichuan medicine materials has great output and excellent quality .

  6. 全国中、大规模集成电路设计及分析学术会议

    National Conference on Design and Analysis of Medium and Large Scale Integrated Circuits

  7. 但江西省企业整体创新水平仍处于全国中下游,如何进一步提高企业创新能力成为江西省经济发展面临的重要问题。

    But the whole innovation capability of Jiangxi enterprises is still at the low level .

  8. 结果表明:海南省竞技体育整体发展水平居全国中下游。

    The result indicates that the entire development of Hainan competitive sports is at middle-lower level of the whole country .

  9. 中部省份安徽,经济发展缓慢,区域创新能力一直处于全国中下游水平。

    Anhui is one of the central provinces , which develops very slowly ; and its regional innovation ability is in the middle and lower level of the country .

  10. 最后,还将模糊聚类方法引入到中草药分类中,应用模糊聚类分类方法,对全国中草药名鉴数据库名鉴系统中草药检索信息进行模糊聚类,为中草药的开发和研制提供一些科学依据。

    At last , we also applied the method of Fuzzy cluster theory to the classification of Ch. Herbal medicine , it offered some foundations on development of Ch. Herbal medicine .

  11. 作品《高逸图》参加全国中青年画展并获银奖。论文《逸品审美思想浅析》荣获国际优秀论文奖。

    Painting " Manhattan painting " won the National Silver Award of the Young Art Exhibition and dissertation ," Ideology of the Aesthetic Yiping ," won the International Best Thesis Award .

  12. 又建造所有的积货城,并屯车和马兵的城,与耶路撒冷,利巴嫩,以及自己治理的全国中所愿建造的。

    19 as well as all his store cities and the towns for his chariots and for his horses-whatever he desired to build in Jerusalem , in Lebanon and throughout all the territory he ruled .

  13. 在省区层面,分析发现珠三角、长三角和环渤海地区建筑业的发展较快,广东省建筑业的综合实力处于全国中上水平。

    At the provincial level , analysis found that the Pearl River Delta , Yangtze River Delta and the construction industry of Bohai area rapid development of Guangdong Province , the comprehensive strength of the construction industry in the upper level .

  14. 当不少省市借助旅游业迅速实现经济腾飞时,河南省旅游业的发展却还徘徊在全国中下游水平,强大的旅游资源优势并没有转化为相应的经济优势。

    When a few provinces and cities quickly realizes the economic fly by tourism industry , Henan , however , still go back and forth in the whole nation midstream or downstream level , mighty advantage of tourism resources has not been converted into homologous of economic advantage .

  15. 布赖登的队友马丁·威廉森在最近一轮比赛中获胜,巩固了自己在全国联赛中的领先地位。

    Brydon 's team-mate Martin Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round .

  16. 在全国锦标赛中,广东女队夺得了前四名。

    Women 's teams from Guangdong carried off the first four places at the national championships .

  17. 在上周举行的2012年赛扶世界杯中国站创新公益大赛全国赛中,来自强生(中国)有限公司的评委AmyWang对这个想法赞扬有加。

    Their idea was praised by Amy Wang , one of the judges from Johnson Johnson China Ltd in the 2012 SIFE China National Competition held in Beijing last week .

  18. 罗姆尼很可能在全国民调中保持领先,小心谨慎,不引起争议,不过纽特金里奇(newtgingrich)正发起挑战,并正成为最新一位“除了罗姆尼以外谁都行”的候选人。

    Mitt Romney will likely remain at the head of the pack in national polls , being careful not to create controversy , though Newt Gingrich is challenging , and is becoming the latest " anyone but mitt " candidate .

  19. 他的水彩画在全国大赛中得了一等奖。

    His paint in watercolor won the first prize in national competition .

  20. 可以理解,她因在全国比赛中取得成功而欣喜若狂。

    She was understandably intoxicated by her success in the national competition .

  21. 谢红在2000和2002年的全国比赛中都获得了女子攀冰冠军。

    Xie Hong was China 's ice climbing champion in 2000 and 2002 .

  22. 2003年全国高考中两道立体几何试题的评析

    A discussion on two solid geometry problems of 2003 's University Entrance Examination

  23. 除非他在不富裕阶层中赢得更多支持,否则他将不能在全国大选中获胜。

    And he cannot win nationally unless he attracts more support from less prosperous people .

  24. 但是,如果学生在全国测试中的成绩没有提高,老师也要相应地减薪。

    The plan also reduces teacher pay if students fail to improve on statewide tests .

  25. 奥巴马在最新的全国民调中平均领先于麦凯恩7个百分点。

    Obama leads McCain in the latest national polls by an average of seven points .

  26. 并对当时全国高校中的科学教育的情况和上海的情况做了比较分析。

    Also science education in entire Shanghai and China in the period is analyzed and compared .

  27. 北京都市报在全国报业中占据着重要的位置,北京都市报业是朝阳产业。北京都市报业还有较大发展空间。

    The newspapering of Beijing is a promising industry and it still owns vast development space .

  28. 执导一支球队,使其成为全国联赛中的一支劲旅。

    Coach a team and prove it to be a major factor in the National League matches .

  29. 论文首先分析了中国的海洋资源,海洋产业以及海洋经济的发展过程,海洋经济在国际上所处的地位及在全国经济中的比重。

    Firstly the paper analyzed the marine resources , marine industry and the development process of China .

  30. 在相继的第四届全国美展中也涌现了不少优秀的雕塑作品。

    In the following Fourth National Fine arts Exhibition , more excellent sculpture works were presented to visitors .