
  • 网络panorama;panoramic image
  1. 基于PDA的立方体全景图实时漫游

    Real-Time Navigation of Cubic Panorama Based on PDA

  2. 实现了一种基于相位相关法的柱面全景图快速生成算法,获得了较好实验结果,并且给出了基于web浏览器的全景图浏览方案。

    We implement a fast method to build the panorama based on phase correlation . The experiments show nice results , meanwhile we will talk about how to browse a panorama on a web page .

  3. 针对序列彩色图像的全景图拼接,利用MicrosoftvisualC++6.0开发了一套较完整的原型系统。

    To sequence color images panorama matching , using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 we develop a full process system .

  4. 在实践TIP方法以及TIP与全景图融合的过程中,平滑而自然地过渡TIP模型和全景图片至关重要,这就要求能够计算TIP模型和全景图的相对位置和尺寸,并进行合并。

    We propose an approach of relative depth calculating to get smooth switch between TIP model and the reference image .

  5. 一组新的柱面全景图投影公式及其交互浏览器的JAVAapplet实现算法

    A Group of New Cylinder Panorama Projection Formulas and the Realization Arithmetic of Its Interactive Browser in JAVA Applet

  6. HVS:一个半现实全景图时空模型

    Hvs : a spatio-temporal model of panoramic overviews for half reality

  7. 本文结合牙科临床中对X光全景图的实际需求,提出了基于CT断层数据的仿X光全景图生成技术。

    In this thesis , a method for generating dental panoramic radiographs from 3D CT sectional data is presented , which based on the physical demand of the dental clinic .

  8. 介绍了一种对立方体全景图进行实时交互浏览的基本重投影算法,并在此基础上提出一种基于PDA的立方体全景图实时浏览的改进算法。

    This paper firstly introduces basic arithmetic of browsing the cubic panorama . Then based on this , the speedup arithmetic is realized on PDA .

  9. VPS系统全景图生成平台的研究

    An Approach of the Platform to Create Panoramic Images in Virtual Panoramic Space System

  10. 基于IBR技术的全景图生成

    Panoramic Image Creating Based on IBR

  11. 采用Vega软件实现露天矿三维动态全景图显示与实时驱动的基本方法;

    Basic methods , using Vega to realise open-pit mine 3D dynamic panoramic displaying and the real-time driving , are especially discussed .

  12. 分析了在实时仿真系统中显示露天矿三维动态全景图、根据视点需求实时驱动虚拟场景动态变化及漫游的几种方法,用Vega软件实现了露天矿三维动态全景图的显示与实时驱动;

    Two methods of using Vega to realize open pit mine 3D dynamic panoramic displaying and the real time driving were especially discussed .

  13. 实验结果显示,上述算法可以实现待拼接图像的准确配准和拼接图像中接缝和鬼影等现象的消除。最后,用MicrosoftvisualC++6.0开发了一套较完整的全景图自动拼接系统。

    Experiments show that the above-mentioned algorithms can implement accurate matching of images and eliminate seams and ghosting in stitched images . Finally , we developed an automatic panorama construction system using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 .

  14. 然后在此基础上,利用Harris算子在特征子区域内提取角点,进行准确配准并建立变换矩阵,同时结合运动物体区域信息,通过渐进渐出的融合算法实现图像全景图拼接。

    On this basis , it realizes extracting corner by Harris operator in feature promoter region , matching them accurately , establishing the transformation matrix , and then considering the information of moving object region .

  15. 在采用IBMR的方法构造虚拟环境的过程中,全景图的生成是一个重要的环节。

    In the course of creating the virtual space based on IBMR , it is very important to create panoramic images .

  16. 全景图生成是近年来兴起的基于图像的绘制技术(Imaged-BasedRendering,IBR)中的重要研究内容,涉及到计算机图形学、图像处理及计算几何等诸多学科。

    Constructing panoramic images is an important research content of imaged-based rendering ( IBR ), concerned with many subjects such as Computer Graphics , Image Processing and Calculating Geometry .

  17. 本辑照片由摄影师菲力斯•比托(FeliceBeato)于1860年拍摄,展现与今日中国截然不同、且为人所淡忘的景观与城市风貌。本系列18张照片中,最为瞩目的实为一幅气势磅礴的北京城全景图。

    Shot more than 150 years ago , the 18 pictures reveal a Chinese capital long since gone .

  18. 该系统包含两个主要功能&全景图拼接和三维重建,采用MFC和Matlab混和编程的开发手段,实现了基于图像信息恢复古建筑物风貌的基本途径。

    The system consists of two main features - panorama stitching and three-dimensional reconstruction , the use of MFC and Matlab programming mix of the development of means to achieve the restoration of image information based on the ancient style and features of the basic way to buildings .

  19. 一般的VPS系统由全景图生成器、全景空间编辑器和全景空间浏览器三个子系统组成,本文着重研究了全景空间浏览器的实现。

    Commonly , VPS system is made of three subsystems , Panoramic-image Maker , Panoramic-space Maker and Panoramic-space Brower , the article aims to study the realization of the Brower of Virtual Panoramic-space system .

  20. 本文详细介绍了这种全景图浏览器的实现原理,给出了一组全新且简便的投影与反投影公式,并在此基础上开发了交互式的JAVAapplet柱面全景图浏览器。

    This article gives a detailed introduction of the realization elements of this kind of panorama browser , and presents a group of bran-new also simple formulas of projection and unti-projection , further more , it also empolder the interactive cylinder panorama browser in Java Applet based on these .

  21. 图像拼接是全景图生成的关键,也是IBR最基本的处理方法,它广泛应用在虚拟环境的360度映射、机器人技术以及航天测绘等领域。

    Image mosaic is the key of building panorama , and is the basic technique in image-based rendering . It was widely used in many field including 360 degree mapping of virtual environment , robots technology and space mapping .

  22. 按钮,所输地址的位置就会出现在地图中,同时其街道预览图片就会出现在街道全景图(streetViewPanorama)中。

    Button , the location of the entered address appears in the map and a preview of the entered address street view appears in the streetViewPanorama .

  23. 女人味话语是现代化全景图的一个部分。

    Feminine discourse is a part of the whole modern scenery .

  24. 基于全景图的虚拟现实系统研究与探讨

    The Study of the Virtual Reality System Based on Panoramic Image

  25. 基于纹理技术生成立方体表面全景图的算法

    Algorithm of Generating Panorama of Cube Surface Based on Texture Technique

  26. 添加选项管理以修改旋转全景图的默认旋转速度。

    Add option Admin to change the default speed rotate panorama .

  27. 该系统的关键在于全景图的拼接技术。

    The key of this system is panoramic image mosaic technology .

  28. 技术是生成的。仿生复眼测量系统中全景图生成的研究

    Research on Panorama Picture Formation in Bionic Compound Eye Measuring System

  29. 游览伦敦眼是为了看到那令人难忘的伦敦全景图。

    For an unforgettable view of London visit the London Eye .

  30. 一种圆柱形全景图生成新算法及其实现

    A New Algorithm for Generating Cylinder Panorama and Its Implementation