
  • Array
  1. 无论何时,只要有可能,美国人就开车,而且如有必要,就宁愿等着得到一个离其目的地较近的车位。

    Whenever possible , Americans drive and , if necessary , wait to get a parking place close to their destination .

  2. 然后,基于项目要求设计开发了车位检测实验系统;该系统对车位状态进行实时监测,且可根据功能的需要对该系统进行功能应用扩展。

    A parking place detection and experiment system is developed based on project requirements of a customer and the system is used for monitoring parking place situations in real time and carrying out function application expansion on the system according to the requirements of the functions .

  3. 我在一辆旅行车旁边找到了一个车位。

    I found a place to park beside a station wagon .

  4. 我10点45分左右离开时,主停车场已经没有车位了。

    The main car park was full when I left about 10.45

  5. 到第9个小时的时候,这辆车位列第8。

    By the ninth hour the car was running in eighth position .

  6. 车辆准许进入,但是车位有限。

    Cars allowed , but parking is limited .

  7. 在日本要登记一辆汽车,车主必须先要有车位。

    In order to register a car in Japan , the owner must have somewhere to park it

  8. 我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠。

    When I pulled out of the space , I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me

  9. 根据APPStore的描述,车道花费10美元,而卖车位的用户收入囊中的就有8元。

    Driveways cost $ 10 , and the parking spot owners pocket $ 8 of that amount , according to the App Store description .

  10. AVL系统中车位显示修正算法

    Study on the Correcting Algorithm of Displaying Points of Vehicles in AVL Systems

  11. 一种改进的AVL系统中车位显示修正算法

    A Study on the Corrective Algorithm of Displaying Points of Vehicles in AVL Systems

  12. 据美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MITMediaLab)发布的一份报告,“在拥堵严重的都市地区,约有40%的汽油浪费在了驾车族寻找车位的过程中。”

    A report published by the MIT Media Lab States , " in congested urban areas , about 40 % of total gasoline use is in cars looking for parking . "

  13. 在极坐标下分析采矿车位姿误差,选用合适的状态变量,设计一种点镇定控制律,并采用Lyapunov函数法分析系统的稳定性。

    In polar coordinates , posture error is analyzed , a control law with appropriate state variables for point stabilization is put forward , and Lyapunov function method is used to analyze the stability of the system .

  14. 包括对CCD图像保存、处理,对车库内车辆的识别,对车位信息的准确判断,对停车场收费管理及与小区中央管理计算机的信息沟通等功能。

    Many functions including CCD image save and treatment , the identification of the vehicles in the garage , the accurate judgement of the mobile position information , the management of charging on parking lot and the communication of information of center management computer were discussed .

  15. 系统数据库采用microsoftSQLserver6.5,客户端采用oleDB和ADO技术访问数据库。此系统可用于对住宅小区的用户信息、水电气费、车位等各种资源数据进行统一管理。

    Microsoft SQL Server 6 . 5 is adopted for DB , and client program uses OLE DB and ADO technique to access DB . This system can manage various data of building management system such as user information , water-electric-gas charge , parking space , etc.

  16. 介绍了以MCS-51单片机作为处理器的机械式立体车库的特点、工作原理,并给出三车位的控制系统硬件电路图和软件流程框图。

    This paper introduces the characteristic of mechanical stereo garage controlled by the MCS-51 serial single-chip , and summarizes the work principle of this system . The scheme of hardware and the diagram of the software of control system for three units are given .

  17. 登山设备合作社将其车库中的3个车位租给了autoshare,以便于员工取车。

    Mountain equipment co-op rents three spaces in its parking garage to Autoshare , making it easy for employees to pick up a car .

  18. 从降低待机电流和降低起降杆升降时的运动电流两个方面解决车位锁的电源问题。5、用keil-C作为单片机软件开发工具,根据以上要求,完成相关的软件设计。

    4 , Solve the problem of power supply for parking lock from reducing the standby current and lower landing rod lifting movement . 5 , Select keil-C as software development tool . According to the above requirements , complete the relevant software design .

  19. 我毫不费力就找到了一个停车车位。

    I had no trouble at all finding a parking space .

  20. 当然,这些车位被刷上了火星符号。

    They were painted , of course , with Mars symbols .

  21. 和美女结婚的好处是啥?你可能在残幛人士专用车位停车。

    What 's the advantage of being married to a blonde ?

  22. 参观者必须把车停在标出的车位。

    Visitors must park their cars in the marked bays .

  23. 车位上还停了艘偷来的船

    and I got a stolen boat in my driveway .

  24. 车辆的不断增加对车位的需求也随之增加。

    The vehicle increasing demand for parking spaces also increases .

  25. 4590车位汽车运输船结构设计中的几个问题

    Some problems about structure design of 4 590 car carrier

  26. 在路边很难找到停车车位。

    It is hard to find a parking space by the roadside .

  27. 他最终仍领先其他车手7个车位而获胜。

    He still managed to finish seven lengths ahead of the rest .

  28. 然后他看见一个小停车场有免费车位。

    Then he saw a small parking lot with two free spaces .

  29. 一种应用于自动泊车系统的车位检测方法

    A method for parking space detection in automatic parking system

  30. 马克:我相信很快就有车位会空出来了。

    Mark : I 'm sure a spot will open up soon .