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  • 网络Vehicle vibration
  1. 根据轨面不平顺和轨道变形得到轮轨最大接触荷载,输入有限元模型,分析地铁车振荷载作用下区间隧道的变形。

    Maximum wheel / track contact load can be calculated according to the track irregularity and track deformation . With the finite element method , the running tunnel deformation caused by vehicle vibration can be analyzed .

  2. 车振荷载下悬索桥加劲梁损伤识别研究

    Research on damage identification of suspended bridge under moving vehicles

  3. 桥梁车振伪随机桥面不平度模拟

    Simulation of the pseudo-random road profile in the study of vehicle-bridge vibration

  4. 桥梁的车振研究

    Research of the Coupled Dynamic Vibration between Bridge and Vehicle

  5. 地铁车振荷载对区间隧道变形影响

    Study on the Deformation of Subway Running Tunnel by Subway Vehicle Dynamic Load

  6. 斜拉桥与其它一般梁式桥在结构体系、材料受力性能等方面都有明显的差异,其抗风、抗震性能以及车振性能等均有其自身的特点。

    Cable-stayed bridge has apparent differences from other form of bridges in structure system , material stress behavior and so on .

  7. 随着越江隧道建设的高速发展,车振荷载引起的隧道长期沉降已成为亟待解决的问题。

    With rapid development of river tunnel engineering , long-term settlement of soft ground induced by traffic operations has caused high concerns .

  8. 试验及分析表明,该车摆振主要为强迫振动,通过控制激振源、增大转向系统阻尼可抑制摆振。

    The test and analysis show that the shimmy is a forced vibration and can be restrained by controlling excitation source and increasing steering system damping .

  9. 首先,结合CRH380B转向架所采用的囊式空簧参数,并以构架和半车体作为簧上质量,建立了简化的半车双振子模型。

    Firstly , According to the parameters of bellows type airsprings adopted in CRH3 / 380B bogie , the simplified model of double-oscillators is established , in which the bogie frame and half of carbody is taken as the sprung masses .

  10. 基于遗传算法的一类越野车前轮摆振控制优化设计

    Optimum Design of Wheel Shimmy Control for a Kind of Off-road Vehicle Based on Genetic Algorithm

  11. 轮对空心轴式高速动力车在滚振试验台上的高速试验及轴承温升

    High speed test and bearing temperature rise of high speed power car with hollow axles on rolling and vibrating test stand

  12. 在这基础上,进行了汽车扭振减振器参数的优化设计,得出了最佳设计参数,为该车选用扭振减振器提供了参考依据。

    On this basis , the optimum design parameters for the torsional vibration damper are determined by parameter optimization to provide the basis for the selection of torsional vibration damper in the car .

  13. 简单介绍了轮对空心轴式高速动力车在滚振试验台上进行高速试验时的临界速度及平稳指标,并详细介绍了各轴承温度的温升情况和一些规律。

    The critical speed and steady index during high speed test of high speed power car with hollow axles on rolling and vibrating test stand were briefly introduced , and the temperature rise of various bearings and some laws were presented in detail .

  14. 某矿用车橡胶式扭振减振器的优化设计研究

    Optimum Design of Rubber Torsional Damper for the Mine Truck

  15. 某车传动系统扭振特性分析

    Torsional Vibration Analysis on the Vehicle Transmission System

  16. 本文用模态分析方法研究曲轴系统扭转振动。已经证明,曲轴系统扭转模态与车自由度扭振系统是等效的。

    This paper uses the modal analytical method to study the torsional vibration of crankshaft system , which is the same as torsional vibration of single degree of freedom .

  17. 动载试验中,测试了该桥的自振特性和阻尼比,并进行行车、跳车、制动激振试验,分析桥跨结构在各种激振作用下的冲击作用。

    In the dynamic load experiment , the author tests the bridge vibration characteristics and damping ratio , and carries out a series of tests on driving , bumping , and braking excitation , which analyses the impact effect of the bridge structure under various vibration .

  18. 多车荷载下刚架拱桥车振仿真可视化研究

    Visual vibration simulation of framed arch bridge under multi-vehicle condition