
  1. 基于嵌入式Linux蓝牙在车载电子系统中的应用

    Application of Bluetooth based on embedded Linux to vehicular information platform

  2. 基于RFID技术车载电子标签研究与设计

    Research and Design of On-board Active Tag Based on RFID Technology

  3. CCP协议是车载电子系统比较通用的一类匹配标定协议。

    CCP is a widely-used calibration protocol for automotive electronic system .

  4. 车载电子设备的EMC测试

    EMC Testing of Devices of Vehicle

  5. 随着车载电子仪表的发展,其用的步进电机的控制技术也在朝着MCU和步进电机驱动集成方向的发展。

    With the development of the vehicle carries the electronic instrument , the microcontrollers with integrated stepper motor drive circuits is development direction .

  6. 它通过可以进行实时更新的车载电子地图及GPS定位信号对车辆进行导航,并向驾驶员提供各种信息。

    Vehicles can be guided by navigation system with both real-time updatable digital maps and GPS positing signal , at the same time all kinds of information can be provided to the drivers .

  7. 为了应对汽车产业不断扩大的车载电子系统的要求,本文利用FPGA和DSP为核心的平台,搭建了车载可视图像处理系统。

    In order to cope with the growing demand of the automobile industry , a car-carrying visual image processing system is developed , by using the FPGA and DSP as the core .

  8. 随着我国汽车市场不断发展以及车载电子电器不断增加,汽车电磁兼容(EMC)研究将会成为一个新的研究热点。

    With the development of China auto market and the increase of on-board electrical and electronic equipments , automotive electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) will become a new research hotspots field .

  9. 目前嵌入式系统技术已经成为最热门的技术之一,如:mp3,PDA,网络家电,智能家电,车载电子设备等各种各样数字化产品的嵌入式设备已经进入了我们的生活。

    Recently , embedded system technology has become one of the most popular technologies . All kinds of digital products , such as mp3 , PDA , Internet appliances , smart appliances and automotive electronics , have entered our lives .

  10. 论文在CANoe上搭建工程车辆总线系统车载电子设备子网的仿真实验平台,并在仿真平台上实现了基于主从结构的时分调度策略。

    In the simulation environment CANoe , the simulation platform of the construction vehicle electronic equipment subnet is established , and the time-division scheduling strategy based on the master-slave structure is achieved on this simulation platform .

  11. 车载电子设备机柜通用化系列化设计

    Generalization and Serialization Design of Electronic Equipment Cabinet on Motor Vehicle

  12. 公交车载电子设备集成系统的研究与应用

    Study and application of bus vehicle electronic device integrated system

  13. 车载电子地图数据物理存储技术研究

    Research on Technique for the Digital Map Storage in Vehicle Navigation System

  14. 静电放电是车载电子模块失效的一个重要原因。

    ESD is an important reason of automotive electronic modules'failure .

  15. 基于概率的车载电子设备隔振性能分析

    Analysis of Vibration Isolation Performance of Vehicle Electronic Equipment Based on Probability

  16. 某大型车载电子设备结构总体设计

    The Structural System Design of a Large Vehicle-borne Electronic Equipment

  17. 车载电子设备的隔振设计

    Vibration Insulation Design Of Electronic Equipments Carried By Vehicles

  18. 车载电子秤传感器弹性座体的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of the elastic base seat on vehicle mounted electronic scale

  19. 车载电子装置的气候环境适应性设计

    Adaptability design of on-board electron system to the entironment

  20. 车载电子地图系统的研究

    The Research of Electronic Map System of Automobile Navigation

  21. 基于直线特征的车载电子稳像方法

    A Vehicle-Borne Electronic Image Stabilization Algorithm based on Line-Feature

  22. 车载电子地图系统中的最佳路径搜索

    Searching for the Best Path in the Electronic Map System of Automobile Navigation

  23. 基于单线模型的交通车载电子地图

    Traffic vehicle digital map based on single line model

  24. 车载电子稳像算法的研究

    Study on Algorithm of Vehicle-borne Electronic Image Stabilization

  25. 军用车载电子设备可靠性综合环境应力试验验证技术研究

    The Demonstration Technology of Reliability Combined Enviromental Stress Testing for Military Electronic Equipment of Vehicle

  26. 农用车载电子设备多介质耦合型双级减振系统设计探讨

    Discussion on design of multi-medium coupling double isolator for electronic equipment in farming moving vehicle

  27. 车载电子机柜的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Electronic Cabinet in Vehicles

  28. 本公司是一所专业从事开发、生产、销售车载电子产品的科技企业。

    The company is a professional in the development , production , marketing of automotive electronics technology enterprises .

  29. 本文主要研究车载电子设备压电式自适应隔振技术。

    This thesis focuses on the technique research of adaptive vibration-isolation for vehicle electronic equipment by piezoelectric materials .

  30. 随着车载电子装置数量的不断增多,控制器局部网络开始应用于汽车。

    With increasing of on-board electronic devices , the controller area network begins to be used in motor vehicles .