
  1. 在这种情况下,可以为售达方创建一个主记录。

    In this case you create a master record for the sold-to party .

  2. 通过输入各伙伴的客户编号,可以在售达方的客户主记录中建立各个伙伴之间的联系。

    Only in the customer master record of the sold-to party is a link between the individual partners established , and this is done by entering the customer of the respective partners .

  3. 信用证修改书务于1月15日寄达我方。

    The amendment to the letter of credit is to reach us before january15th .

  4. 贵方答复务必于5月15日或之前寄达我方,这一点我们要特别强调。

    Your reply must reach here on or before may15th.we make a point of it .

  5. 每批货物的信用证应在发货日前30天寄达我方。

    The letter of credit for each order shall reach us30 days before the date of shipment .

  6. 我们通常的支付方式是以我方为抬头人的、保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,并且必须在发货前一个月寄达我方。

    Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit in our favour , reaching us one month ahead of shipment .

  7. 在最佳工艺条件下,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备的ITO薄膜平均可见光透过率达86%,薄膜方阻为322Ω/□。

    Under the best processing conditions , the ave-rage visible transmittance is about 86 % and the sheet resistance is about 322 Ω / □ .