
  • 网络Touchdown;Try;touch down
  1. 比赛快结束时,如果需要达阵。

    At the end of the game when you need a touchdown .

  2. 等到下一个达阵之后我们就走吧。

    Let 's leave after the next touchdown .

  3. 上半场以21:3领先的法国队有8个达阵得分。

    The French , who led 21-3 at half time , scored eight tries .

  4. 他接住对方的弃踢球,成功达阵,取得了制胜得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。

    He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown , with a minute left to play .

  5. 我们在对方的达阵区阻止了他们的四分卫,得到了一个safety。

    We stopped their quarterback in their end zone for a safety .

  6. Michigan队达阵得分。

    Michigan scored a touchdown .

  7. 不会为文明做贡献,除了扣篮和达阵。

    Who contribute little to civilization other than slam dunks and touchdowns .

  8. 巨人队以三个达阵领先。

    The giants were gonna take a three-touchdown lead .

  9. 常会有很多的达阵和射门得分。

    There are too many penalties and rules .

  10. 他能阻挡,绊人,达阵,开球。

    He can block , tackle , score the touchdown , snap the ball .

  11. 高中时的每次达阵得分,我都应该好好感谢她。

    I should have thanked her after every touchdown I ever scored in high school .

  12. 我的伙计扔达阵得分。

    My man throws hellah touchdowns .

  13. 今年,曼宁打破了美国橄榄球联盟单赛季的传球纪录,传球总码数达到5477码,并传出55个传球达阵。

    Manning broke the NFL 's single season passing records this year with 5477 yards and 55 touchdowns .

  14. 他常常跑过球门线,穿过达阵区,跑进通道里面去。

    He used to run over the goal line , through the end zone and up the tunnel .

  15. 我赌他会假装交球给威廉,然后传球给达阵区的柯兰。

    I 'll bet he fakes a handoff to Williams , throws to Kleinsasser in the end zone .

  16. 他本赛季连传带跑一共拿下43记达阵,并贡献了总共4600码的进攻。

    He passed and ran for a combined 43 touchdowns this season and accounted for 4600 yards of total offense .

  17. 最后海军队以20比7获胜。我虽然坐在达阵区后,却感觉像是坐在国王的宝座上。

    I sat in the end zone but felt as if I were on a throne , as Navy won20 & 7 .

  18. 一次小小的达阵得分只剩下三分钟了。他在比赛最后一分钟又得了分。

    One tiny little touchdown , with just three minutes to play . He added to his tally in the last minute .

  19. 比赛的最后几秒钟,这位年轻人拦截到了对方的一次传球,一路跑向达阵区。

    In the closing seconds of the game , this young man intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown .

  20. 1.四分卫会把球传出,他得球后,就可以直接达阵。

    Michael : I stopped it . 1 . Quarterback will hand it off , he gets the ball and ... open lane to the end zone .

  21. 你站在门口,手上拿着花和糖果,想象她一开门你就达阵得分。

    You show up at the door with flowers and candy , and think that you are about to score brownie points when she opens the door .

  22. 史蒂夫•布西密在剧中饰演一个小角色,出场后的大部分时间都全身裹在石膏里,双手向上伸展,仿佛橄榄球比赛中裁判员示意达阵(即“触地得分”)的手势;

    Steve Buscemi has a small part that requires him to spend a lot of time in a body cast , hands thrust upward as if signaling a touchdown .