
dá yīn
  • dyne
达因[dá yīn]
  1. 无震滑动的规模比主震还要大一些,它的矩估计约为2.5×10~(27)达因-厘米。

    The moment of the aseismic slip is estimated to be 2.5 X 1027 dyne - cm .

  2. 歌声结束,阿雷斯走进关于达因和他的冒险的传说中。

    After the song is over , Alex goes into a story about Dyne and his adventures .

  3. DCM相位梯度提取技术在等达因图像处理中的应用

    DCM Phase-gradient Extraction in Isodyne Image-distinguishing

  4. 达因-35与二甲双胍联合治疗能有效抑制PCOS患者雄激素的合成,降低血清LH、瘦素水平(P<0.05),促进月经规律、减轻体重,改善胰岛素抵抗状况和排卵恢复。

    The combination of them can reduce androgen , LH , and leptin level of the PCOS patients , facilitate weight reduction , ameliorate menstrual regularity and insulin sensitivity , lead to spontaneous ovulation .

  5. 这是优达因公司发行的威士白金卡。

    It 's a Visa platinum card issued by Yoyodyne Bank .

  6. 曲面拟合在平面等达因法数据处理中的应用

    The application of surface fitting in date processing for Isodyne method

  7. 地震矩5.2×10~(24)达因·厘米;

    Seismic moment , 5.2 × 1026 dyne - cm ;

  8. 双折射材料初应力的定量研究相移等达因技术的应用

    Measurement of Initial Stress by Birefringence Digital Phase Shift Method

  9. 二甲双胍联合达因-35治疗多囊卵巢综合征

    Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with Metformin combined with Diane-35

  10. 这个借口非常明显是假的,他真为达因特里感到不好意思。

    The excuse was so palpably untrue that he felt sorry for daintry .

  11. 压强的绝对单位等于每平方厘米达因。

    The absolute unit of pressure equal to one dyne per square centimeter .

  12. 来曲唑联合达因35治疗多囊卵巢综合征引发不孕的疗效观察

    Clinical Study on Infertile with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with letrozole and Diane 35

  13. 微分等达因法确定的应力状态

    (?) tress State Determination of Differential Isodyne Method

  14. 我是优达因的迪克理查。

    This is Dick Richards from yoyodyne .

  15. 光弹性等达因法实验技术的初步研究

    Preliminary research of photoelastic isodynes experimental techniques

  16. 平均倾向滑距2.8米,地震矩5.4×10~(26)达因·厘米;

    Average dislocation of dip-slip , 2.8 m ; seismic moment , 5.4 × 1026 dyne · cm ;

  17. 结论二甲双胍联合达因-35可以有效治疗青春期多囊卵巢综合征。

    Conclusions Diane-35 combined with metformin is an effective therapy in dealing with adolescent patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome .

  18. 界面张力为10达因/厘米左右,关联式误差小于11%。

    Interfacial tension was about 10 dyne / cm , Data deviated from this correlation by an error less than 11 %

  19. 他说,在“美国诉化学一达因”一案中,法院的推理,正确地表达了国会的意图。

    He said that the reasoning of the court in United States v.Chem-Dyne , quoted supra , correctly expressed congressional intent .

  20. 达因35和螺内酯治疗高雄激素血症性月经病的疗效比较

    The Comparison Study on the Curative Effect of Dyne - 35 and Snail Lactone for Treating High Male Hormone Blood Disease Emmeniopathy

  21. 该系统可实时拍摄各种特征方向和特征平面的微分等达因条纹图。

    The fringe pattern of differential Isodyne in various characteristic directions and planes can be real-timely taken , by using this system .

  22. 厘米克秒制功或能单位;一个一达因的力使物体沿力的方向通过一厘米的距离所做的功。

    A cgs unit of work or energy ; the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter .

  23. 应力分量与等达因条纹级次的导数相关,为得到具有高测试精度的应力分量在等达因条纹测试中引入了双折射相移技术。

    In order to obtain the stress components correctly , accurately and efficiently the birefringence phase shift technique is applied into isodyne fringe pattern 's distinction .

  24. 力的单位等于使公斤质量的物体产生米(待查表)平方秒的加速度所需的力;等于,达因。

    A unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 m / sec / sec to a mass of 1 kilogram ; equal to 100,000 dynes .

  25. 主要讨论了缸内旋转实时加载装置、液压扫描装置和入射光束与等达因收集器的同步移动装置的功能和结构特征。

    The function and structure characteristic of the rotatable real-time loading device which is set in oil tank , the hydraulic scanning device and the device for synchronous movement of incident beam and Isodyne collector are mainly discussed .

  26. 根据理论公式和实际位移资料,给出了邢台地震的地震矩M0为6.5×10~(26)达因·厘米,应力降△σ为39巴。

    Based on the theoretical formulae and the actually observed displacement data , the seismic moment M0 and the stress drop △σ of the Xingtai earthquake are given to be 6.5 × 1026 dync · cm and 39 bars respectively .

  27. 文中以剪切位错源的理论地震图与实际观测记录波形的相关程度为判据,测得该地震的震源参数为:地震矩3.9×10~(27)达因·厘米;

    Based on a correlation criterion between the shapes of synthetical seismogram for a shear dislocated source and the actually observed seismograms we determined the focal parameters of this earthquake as follows : the seismic moment is 3.9 × 1027 dyne-cm ;

  28. 当样品上的偏置外应力增加到3.2×10~6达因/厘米~2时,二次谐波振幅逐渐增加,并达到最大值,而三次谐波振幅不断减小。

    Up to a stress of 3.2 × 10 ~ 6 dyn · cm ~ ( - 2 ) the second harmonic amplitude showed increase to a maximum , but on the other hand the third harmonic , a tendency of gradual decrease .

  29. 本文以载波等达因条纹图应力场计算及四幅图相移等达因法求板的接触应力为例,对该技术在光力学图像信息识别中的应用进行了论证。

    The validity of the proposed phase-gradient technique is demonstrated by the calculation of the stress field of three point bending model using Isodyne method combined with Fourier transform fringe interpretation and the calculation of the contact stress of a plate by using phase-stepping Isodyne method of four maps .