
  • 网络Water peak
  1. 如何鉴别低水峰非零色散位移单模光纤

    Performances and Applications of Low Water Peak Non-Dispersion Shift Single Mode Fiber

  2. 结果以上血清或尿样的波谱图中水峰都得到了较好的抑制。

    Results We obtain fairly satisfied water peak inhibition spectra of the serum and urine .

  3. 体内~1HNMR中的水峰抑制

    Water suppression in in vivo ~ 1h NMR spectroscopy

  4. 水峰抑制与HBeAgP3肽的NMR研究

    Water resonance suppression and the NMR study of HBeAg P3 peptide

  5. 结果表明:这是一种能有效抑制NMR强水峰的数据后处理方法。

    The experimental results demonstrate that this is an effective data post-processing technique to remove strong water signals .

  6. 最新研制的光纤,其在整个宽工作带,包括在(1380±3)nm上都具有低水峰。

    The newly developed fibers have low attenuation over wide range of operating bands including water peak at 1 3803 nm .

  7. 溶剂共振峰(水峰)的抑制是核磁共振(NMR)波谱学,特别是生物NMR研究中的关键技术之一。

    Solvent resonance suppression is one of the important techniques in NMR spectroscopy , especially in biological NMR studies .

  8. 水峰抑制(WEFT)技术在~1HNMR中研究糖类化合物的变旋现象

    Application of WEFT ~ 1H NMR to the study of optical rotation phenomena in aqueous solution of carbohydrates

  9. 介绍了将小波多分辨分析(MRA)用于核磁共振(NMR)自由感应衰减(FID)信号的水峰抑制。

    Wavelet multi-resolution analysis has been used for suppressing water peak in free induced signals of NMR .

  10. PCVD低水峰光纤的制备与性能

    Fabrication and properties of PCVD Low water peak fiber

  11. Bloch方程的解析解及其在水峰抑制和特形脉冲设计中的应用

    The analytical solutions of Bloch equations and their application in solvent peak suppression and shaped pulse design

  12. 由于低水峰光纤具有优异的弯曲敏感性,使其与最近研制的宽带接入技术,即所谓的光纤到驻地(FTTP)完全相适应。

    With its enhanced bend sensitivity make it compatible with recently deployed broadband access technology called Fiber to the Premises ( FTTP ) .

  13. 结果表明,用抑制水峰法测定GTM注射液中主要组分的含量,简单可行.7个厂家的GTM注射液产品质量亦有差别。

    The results showed that the evaluation of the contents of the main constituents of GTM injections by pre-saturation water suppression method is simple and feasible and that GTM injections from 7 factories are different in quality .

  14. 655B/C两类低水峰光纤支持全频谱CWDM传输的优势和在网络升级中的应用潜力,同时与色散位移单模光纤、负色散(平坦)光纤等非主流光纤的性能作了比较。

    655B / C in supporting full spectrum CWDM transmission and their potential applications in future network upgrade analyzed and their performances compared with those of the dispersion-shifted fiber , negative dispersion ( flattened ) fiber and other non-principal fibers .

  15. 脉冲形状对定域谱中水峰抑制作用的影响

    The effect of pulse shape on water suppression in localized Mrs

  16. 城域网和接入网发展需要的低水峰单模光纤

    Low water peak SMF a demand for increasing metro and access networks

  17. 小波分析用于核磁共振水峰抑制的数据后处理

    Application of wavelet analysis for data post-processing of NMR water peak suppression

  18. 光纤制造商针对城域网络业务特点纷纷制造出了城域网用的低水峰非色散位移单模光纤。

    Accord as metro network characters , optical fiber manufacturer have made low water peak non dispersion shift single mode fiber .

  19. 当各界代表齐聚亚太水峰会时,在泰国北部没有缺水的迹象。

    There was no sign of a water shortage here in northern Thailand as delegates gathered for the Asia-Pacific Water summit .

  20. 经过恶劣的环境试验证明,低水峰光纤具有稳定的抗氢气引起的衰减性能,可确保现场安装的低水峰光纤光缆长期可靠地工作。

    The fiber undergone robust environmental testing that enables its stability against hydrogen-induced attenuation , to ensure long-term reliability of field installed optical fiber cables .

  21. 通过分析光纤的过氧基缺陷,用氘气对成品低水峰光纤进行处理,以降低光纤的氢敏感性。

    The low water peak fiber is treated by deuterium in order to reduce the fiber 's hydrogen sensitivity based on the analysis of peroxide defects in fiber .

  22. 方法采用预饱和法对通常强信号峰水峰进行抑制,运用核磁共振技术对正常人、糖尿病人、高血脂病人和肝癌病人的血清或尿样进行分析研究。

    Method We adopt pre saturated method and inhibit water peak of strong signal peak . Using nuclear magnetic resonace . We determine serum and urine of the normal persons , the patients with diabetes , hyperlipemia and the liver cancer .

  23. 仿真计算了发动机系统启动过程中不同节流孔位置和大小时的水击峰压。

    The peak pressure of water hammer for various positions and size of orifice in the start-up was computed .

  24. 本文采用在不同气氛中加热处理红外减反射膜的方法,研究了氟化物薄膜的水吸收峰和氧化物吸收峰对光学性能的影响。

    In this paper the effects of absorption peaks on the optical properties of some fluoride films after heat treatment ( or moisture removal ) are investigated in different gases .

  25. 方法以水苏碱峰为参照物峰,采用毛细管区带电泳法建立益母草注射液指纹图谱。

    Methods Method of capillary zone electrophoresis was developed to establish the fingerprints of Leonurus heterophyllus Injection with the peak of stachydrine as reference .

  26. 由高分子多孔小球(有机担体402)填充柱流出的水的色谱峰,用对数正态分布函数拟合得较好。

    Ne water peak eluted from organic support 402 ( a kind of porous polymer beads , made at Shanghai ReagentPlant ) at 144 ℃ was fitted well with log-normal distribution function .

  27. 苯甲酸水溶液最大吸收峰波长刍议

    On the Biggest Absorption Pick Wavelength of Benzoic Acid Aqueous Solution

  28. 本文利用共焦显微拉曼系统,获得有机乙醇溶剂中吡啶分子吸附在硝酸刻蚀镍电极表面的拉曼光谱,与水体系相比谱峰强度有所降低。

    Using the confocal micro Raman system we have observed the surface Raman spectrum of pyridine adsorbed on a HNO 3 etched nickel electrode surface in a non aqueous system for the first time .

  29. 本文系统研究了复合胶凝材料的水化温升、水化温峰出现时间和水化热。

    This paper study the temperature rise of hydration , the time of reaching the maximum temperature and the heat of hydration with composite admixture .

  30. 试验结果表明:相对于纯水泥,水泥-硅灰二元体系的水化诱导期延长,第二水化放热峰放热速率增加,水化减速期的总放热量减小;

    Test results indicate that compared with the hydration heat evolution process of pure cement , the cement-silica fume binary system can elongate the dormant period , increase the exothermic rate of the second hydration heat evolution peak and reduce the accumulative heat during the deceleration period ;