
  • 网络feel for the water;water feeling;Sense of Water;aquatic feeling
  1. 采用游效指数定量评价游泳水感探讨

    Probing into Quantitative Evaluation of Water Feeling by Index of Efficiency of Swimming

  2. 我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态和水感指标研究与分析

    Study and Analysis on Body Physique , Physical Function and Water Feeling of Elite Swimmer in China

  3. 少年游泳运动员水感在训练中的应用与测试

    Application and test of feel of water of juvenile swimming athletes

  4. 希望得到更好的漂浮和水感?

    Long to get a better hold and feel for the water ?

  5. 游泳初学者水感训练初探

    Effects of the water perception training of swimming beginners

  6. 利用水感来选材具有重要的作用和意义。

    It is important to consider feel for water in selecting synchronized swimmers .

  7. 提高游泳运动员水感的练习方法初探

    A Discussion on the Practicing Methods to Improve Swimmers ' Sense of Water

  8. 在刚开始的时候使用脚蹼,帮助运动员改善打腿并寻找水感;

    Initially use fins to help development of kick and feel through the water .

  9. 花样游泳运动员水感问题探析

    Synchronized swimmers ' feel for water

  10. 水感是花样游泳运动员必备的重要运动感觉之一,不同于水性。

    Feel for water , the most important sense of synchronized swimmers , is different from ability in swimming .

  11. 近年来,专家、学者们已经提出了多种多样有利于提高水感的练习方法。

    In recent years , experts and scholars have put forward various kinds of practicing methods to improve swimmers ' sense of water .

  12. 那些游得最快的运动员,他们并不需要去想他们的手臂应该如何移动,他们依靠的是他们的水感!

    The fastest swimmers don 't think about how their hands move through the water , but rather have a feel for the water .

  13. 多年来,游泳运动员的水感主要是凭借教练员多年主观经验的积累来定性评价。

    Over the years , swimmer " feel " is mainly coached according to the subjective qualitative evaluation by virtue of years of accumulated experience .

  14. 生活在大洋深处的花卉植物在海浪的作用下摇曳着身姿,打造出充满水感并且轻微扭曲的图案。

    Flora and forna live as one in the ocean depths and shapes are beautifully distorted by the waves to produce a watery and warped imagery .

  15. 如果你不能平均每周大概游三次泳,你将失去你的水感,同时你的技术也将开始退化。

    If you don 't average about three swims a week you will lose your feel for the water and your technique will begin to deteriorate .

  16. 结果表明:用撞揉结合的压水花理论和方法指导实验训练,能够更快地帮助运动员建立水感,缩短压水花动作的训练周期,提高成功率。

    The results reveal that it can help divers to establish the " feeling of touching water " earlier , shorten the training period of splash-eliminating movement and enhance success rate to guide experimental training with the above theory and method .

  17. 深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感�深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感�

    A friendship turn into a bond

  18. 水敏感呼吸涂料也具有安全环保、节约能源的特点,原料和设备易得,制备工艺和施工方法简单易行,有利于普及推广应用。

    The water-sensitive breathable coatings have features of safety , environmental protection and energy saving , the raw materials and devices are obtained easily , preparation technology and finishing manner are simple so that the coatings have low cost and will be easy to popularize and apply .

  19. 另有水转印和感压冷转及烫钻烫图、柯式印PVC。

    We also produce water transfer , cool press on transfer and iron on stud & stone , offset print PVC .

  20. 用GC-MS分析法鉴定了茎叶水浸液化感物质的种类。

    Allelochemicals in the aqueous extracts of stems and leaves were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .

  21. 我对非水溶剂电化学感兴趣。

    So , I 'm interested in nonaqueous electrochemistry .

  22. 把水作为钝感剂。

    Water is used as a desensitizer .

  23. 展望未来:山高方知路远,水激才感源深。

    Looking to the future : high-shan side know the road well , water source deep sense of shock before .

  24. 两岸同胞血浓于水的民族认同感和两岸加入WTO及其经济互动关系,是两岸共办2008年奥运会的机遇。

    The compatriots ' feeling of agreement between sides and economic interaction under WTO are the greatest chance for cooperating 2008 Olympic games .

  25. 水性聚氨酯钝感包覆CL-20

    Desensitization Coating CL-20 with Waterborne Polyurethane

  26. 三叶鬼针草水抽提物他感作用与降雨量的关系

    Relationship between allelopathic effects of Bidens pilosa aqueous extracts and rainfall

  27. 百合地上部分水浸液的化感效应研究

    Study on Allelopathy of Top Part Aqueous Extracts of Lily Plant

  28. 他们对无法用来饮马的水有恐惧之感.

    They fear any water their horses can 't drink .

  29. 在香港,水的资源常感不足。

    The water supply always falls short in hongkong .

  30. 兔水中毒时体感诱发电位

    Somatosensory evoked potentials in water intoxication in rabbits