
  • 网络Water tray;water pan;Drip tray;drip pan
  1. 工艺方案经实践证明切实可靠,研究结果对冷凝水盘的生产具有重要的实际指导意义。

    It has been proved that the processing crafts are feasible and the results provide significant direction for the production of condensate water pan .

  2. 马里兰州帕萨迪纳——在沙盘和水盘旁玩耍;

    PASADENA , Md. - Mucking around with sand and water .

  3. 接水盘落料-拉伸-切边复合模设计

    Design of Blanking-Drawing-Trimming Compound Die for the Water-Containing Plate

  4. 我需要那个接水盘。

    I 'm gonna need the drain pan .

  5. 基于数值模拟的接水盘冲压成形工艺分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Stamping Process for the Water-Containing Plate Based on Numerical Simulation

  6. 提出在盘管冷凝水盘上增设水满报警器可以有效防治凝结水外溢。

    Puts forward an anti-overflow method of adding an automatic water level alarming device to condensate drain pan .

  7. 以前我们配水盘是因为它好玩,孩子们也喜欢,她说。

    Before we had the water table because it was fun and kids liked it , she said .

  8. 现在我们配水盘,则是让孩子们能够探究水是如何流动的,实际上就是探索科学思想。

    Now we have the water table so kids can explore how water moves and actually explore scientific ideas .

  9. 右手边的承水盘是第勒尼安海,左手边的是亚得里亚海。

    The drip-tray on the right-hand side is the Tyrrhenian Sea , while the left-hand side drips into the Adriatic .

  10. 零件图和通用图是否与各系统图(例如灯架系统、接水盘等等)相配?

    Does the detail drawing and common file fit each system arrangement ( light support , wet pan and so on )?

  11. 该学区正在为没有配备相关用品的教室购买沙盘或水盘、积木、玩具厨房、画架和美术用品。

    The district is buying sand or water tables , blocks , play kitchens , easels and art supplies for every classroom that does not have them .

  12. 有些学区的五岁学童甚至开始学习一年级或二年级的课程内容。过去幼儿园里不可或缺的表演玩耍区、沙盘或水盘已经不复存在,取而代之的是练习册和课本。

    In some school districts , 5-year-olds are doing what first or even second graders once did , and former kindergarten staples like dramatic play areas and water or sand tables have vanished from some classrooms , while worksheets and textbooks have appeared .

  13. 半潜式平台预钻井,需要预先安装水下基盘。

    Underwater baseplate installation in advance is needed for semi-submersible platform pre-drilling well .

  14. 磁化水对皱纹盘鲍生长影响的研究

    Research on effects of magnetized water on growth of Haliotis discus hannai Ino

  15. CD机,答录机,打印机,蜡烛,花,野餐篮,包装纸,好时巧克力,苏打水,早餐盘,浪漫的音乐,彩色卡纸,文具,电脑,气球

    CD Players , Answering Machines , Printers , Candles , Flowers , Picnic Basket , Wrapping Paper , Hershey 's Kisses Candy , Sparkling Waters , Breakfast Tray , Romantic Music , Romantic Music , Construction Paper , Stationery , Computers , Balloons

  16. 新型水下井口基盘模型试验及数值分析

    Numerical analysis and model test for new subsea wellhead base structure

  17. 为了提高海上边际油气田开发效益,研发出了新型水下钻井基盘及其安装技术。

    A new pattern subsea drilling template and its installing technology were researched to improve the development benefit of offshore marginal field .

  18. 腰骶椎椎管碘水造影诊断椎间盘突出腰骶部移行椎与椎间盘突出症关系探讨

    MYELOGRAPHY WITH WATER SOLUBLE CONTRAST MEDIUM FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF LUMBOSACRAL INTERVERTEBRAL DISC HERNIATION The relationship between lumbosacral transitional vertebra and the lumbar disc herniation

  19. 采用预钻井方式开发的海上油气田,对水下钻井基盘钻井槽孔用完后增钻的调整井,可采用无基盘钻井方式作业。

    If pre-drilling mode was taken in an offshore oil development , PGB-free well drilling technology might be adopted for supplementary wells when the PGB slots were totally occupied .