
  • 网络real space;true space
  1. 在这个过程中,画家对于真实空间物体形象的捕捉与呈现从来都不是,也不可能像相机的镜头那样客观的记录。

    In this process , the painter for image capture and present real space object is never , could not like camera objective record .

  2. 要有效的殖民化,真实空间移动到一个升级港口。装载殖民者,战斗机,和鱼类到最大限度。

    To colonize effectively , real space move to an upgrade port . Pick up a full load of Colonists , Fighters , and Torpedoes .

  3. 以Biot饱和土理论为基础,通过直接求解饱和土球对称Biot固结方程,得到了球对称固结方程在真实空间的解析解。

    In the paper , based on the Biot 's saturated soil theory and without use of Laplace 's transform , the spherical symmetrical consolidation equation of saturated soil is directly solved .

  4. 隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)是一个能够通过可观察的数据很好地捕捉真实空间统计性质的随机模型,该模型用于生物序列分析是生物信息学(Bioinformatics)研究的新领域。

    Hidden Markov Models ( HMM ) is a stochastic model that accurately captures the statistical properties of observed data . The utilization of HMM is a new field of Bioinformatics in the research of biological sequence analysis .

  5. 与氧原子、普通氧分子O2和臭氧分子O3的计算结果比较,显示O4分子可以以正方形结构或正四面体结构形式存在,其中正方形结构更有可能是O4分子的真实空间结构。

    Compared with the calculated results of oxygen atom , molecules O_2 and O_3 , it is found that both geometric structures of O_4 are possible , but the structure of square is more favorable .

  6. 在真实空间中对自己身体的意识。

    the sense of my own body in the space in the real world .

  7. 一般情况下,分页空间的大小应该是真实空间的一到两倍。

    Generally , paging space should be one to two times real memory in size .

  8. 对我而言,这一种内心的表现手法,比起绘画一个真实空间更有趣。

    For me , it expressed my deep feelings , which is more interesting compared to realistic paintings .

  9. 真实空间(太空)环境仿真对于人类航天活动具有重要研究意义。

    The simulation for the real outer space plays an important role in human being 's space flight activities .

  10. 提出了一种利用多分辨率图像模板库来定量确定遥感融合图像真实空间分辨率的方法。

    Spatial resolution of remote sensing fused image is usually the spatial resolution of high spatial resolution image which is not the real spatial resolution of the fused image .

  11. 由于获取真实空间红外图像难度高、成本大、耗时长,且空间目标红外探测系统无法通过外场实验方法评估其性能。

    Because acquisition of real space infrared image is difficulty , which takes a long time and costs high , the detected methods of space target infrared can not evaluate the performance .

  12. 我们有一位设计师就站在自己家中,以她自己的生活的真实空间作为背景,网络摄像头前和我们分享了她的故事。

    We have a stylist tell her own story into a webcam , standing in her home , getting recognized with her own world in the background , giving a message to everyone .

  13. 利用自行研制的动态目标源生成动态目标,计算机采集光电跟踪定位系统输出的动态目标空间坐标位置,并计算与运动目标真实空间坐标位置之间的误差。

    The space coordinates of a dynamical target are fixed by the photoelectric tracking positioning system , captured by a computer and then compared with the real ones of the dynamical target to get the error .

  14. 有监督学习和无监督学习是机器学习领域两种常用的学习算法,然而当训练样本数目有限时,有监督学习很难准确的学习出样本的真实空间分布。

    Supervised learning and unsupervised learning are two mostly used learning method in machine learning , however when there are only limited labeled samples , it is hard for supervised learning to learning the real distribution of the whole dataset .

  15. 基于SARS时空传播模拟原型系统,在具有真实医院空间特征的三维虚拟医院中,对SARS在医院内的传播过程进行模拟。

    · A simulation is carried out to analyze the transmission of SARS in a virtual 3D hospital , which is built according to a real hospital .

  16. 真实听觉空间研究中FETF的测量和估计方法

    Measurement and estimation of free field to eardrum transfer function for virtual acoustic space research

  17. 珠穆朗玛是最接近天空的地面,JOMO游走在真实生活空间和另一个空间位面的交界。

    Jolmo Lungma is the land nearest to the sky , and JOMO louses around the interface between real life and another space .

  18. FETF已被用于真实听觉空间的计算机仿真。

    The FETF can be employed to generate a Virtual Acoustic Space ( VAS ) by computer and other equipment .

  19. 数学模型不能完全代替真实的空间地磁场。

    Mathematical models can not fully replace real space magnetic .

  20. 通过常用的空间模型嵌套检验方法,经常会将一个不合适的空间矩阵误用为真实的空间矩阵。

    The usual nested tests often lead us to inappropriate spatial matrix .

  21. 真实大空间建筑物火灾场模拟研究

    Field Fire Simulation for Real Building with Large Space

  22. 虚拟学习空间与真实学习空间

    Virtual Learning Space and Real Learning Space

  23. 在网络学习者共同体中要清楚教师的角色定位和学生主体性的核心;虚拟学习空间和真实学习空间具体结合的措施;

    In network Communities of Learners teachers ' role and students ' central status should be made clear .

  24. 壁画的空间不仅包括了架上绘画的三维空间,还可以把现实中不可能同时出现的空间组合在一起,也可以把想象空间、梦幻空间等不真实的空间中组合在一起。

    Space in fresco may not only involve the three traditional dimensions , but also combines the seemingly impossible space in reality and the imagined space .

  25. 平面中的空间幻象包括:真实的空间幻象、自由的空间幻象、矛盾的空间幻象和抽象的空间幻象。

    The space illusion of plane includes the real space illusion , the free space illusion , the contrary space illusion and the abstract space illusion .

  26. 作者把照片当作图像以塑造它与现实之间的关系,扭曲真实的空间,形成抽象的表达,由此炼成一件超现实主义制作。

    As Zu graphically manipulates the connection to reality by skewing the representational capacity of the photograph into abstract expression to consequently forge a surrealist production ;

  27. 我们通过构造各种各样的空间力场,来使我们的眼睛相信看到的就是一个真实的空间。

    By constructing a variety of the mechanical field of visual space , we can make our eyes believe that the space we see is real .

  28. 让这些孩子更加兴奋的是这场演出以令人瞩目的方式融合了“网络”与“真实”空间。

    And what made it doubly exciting for the tweens was that the show blended " cyber " and " real " space in a striking way .

  29. 由于卫星网络本身的特点,利用真实的空间环境进行物理测试在时间上和经济上都是不现实的。

    Because of characteristics of the satellite network , it is not realistic on time and economy to make use of the true space environment to carry on the physical test .

  30. 这里有一种真实的空间感,是从世界的基本中产生的,这种空间感上升并转化成这些纸型的山。

    And there 's a real spatial sense here , that it 's being generated at the base of the world , and it goes up and it transforms these mountains into papier-mache .