
  • Love Actually
  1. 《真爱至上》中的那一幕可能会让许多人欢呼,但这些人应当记住,那只是天真的幻想。

    Many may have cheered that scene in Love Actually . They should remember it was a childlike fantasy .

  2. 最后一类图片包括休•格兰特和玛汀•麦古基安主演的电影《真爱至上》最后一幕的一张图片,在这张图片上男女主角一同出现在学校舞台上。

    The last category included one of the final scenes from Love Actually , starring Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon , where the pair appear on a school stage together .

  3. 你可以就像《真爱至上》中的MartineMcCutcheon一样,不受政治影响,就只是单纯浪漫。

    You 'd be just like Martine McCutcheon in Love Actually , only without the politics and , presumably , the romance .

  4. 下颌带式《真爱至上》中的男星,59岁的比利·鲍伯·汤顿蓄着一款下颌带式胡子,不过备受争议哦。

    Love Actually actor , Billy Bob Thornton , 59 , wears the heavily debatable chin strap look 。

  5. 梅根还客串由暮光男主演电影《真爱至上》,她在里面扮演酒吧侍女。

    Meghan also had a cameo as a barmaid in the movie Remember Me , which featured Robert Pattison .

  6. 这位32岁的英国女演员将和演过《真爱至上》艾玛·汤普森联合出演《去年圣诞》,艾玛也是该剧的联合编剧。

    The 32-year-old British actress is starring in the holiday rom-com Last Christmas , co-starring Love Actually 's Emma Thompson , who co-wrote the script .

  7. 除了作为《权力的游戏》的制片人,纽曼还曾参与导演了《星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁》,《诺丁山》和《真爱至上》。

    Newman , aside from his work in Game of Thrones , has worked on Star Wars : Episode 1 -- The Phantom Menace , Notting Hill and Love Actually .

  8. 这个圣诞节,当你和家人一起观看电影《真爱至上》,对看似荒唐的剧情设置大笑的时候,有一个场景对花心男来说却特别真实。

    As you settle down to watch Love Actually with your family this Christmas and laugh at the seemingly ridiculous plot devices one scene will ring especially true to a lot of philandering men .

  9. 该片之所以大获成功,自然也少不了柯蒂斯的功劳。在这位广受赞誉的编剧(作品有《诺丁山》)兼导演(作品有《真爱至上》)的执导下,影片《时空恋旅人》的情节令人信服。

    To Curtis " credit , the acclaimed screenwriter ( Notting Hill ) and director ( Love Actually ) finds a convincing mix in About Time , making the film feel grounded and authentic .

  10. 尽管近年来,有些请她出演的电影角色,她并不喜欢。但是这位曾出演《真爱至上》的女明星,在电视和流媒体上出现的强大女性角色让她印象深刻,对于女性电影角色的未来,她还是保持乐观。

    Despite not loving some of the movies she 's been offered in recent years , the Love Actually star says she 's impressed with the strong female characters she sees on television and streaming services - and she 's optimistic about the future for female movie roles .