
jué fēi ǒu rán
  • 熟语Not by chance;by no means fortuitous
  1. 审判公开作为现代诉讼中的一项重要制度,其产生绝非偶然,而是有着深厚的理论基础的。

    Open trial , as an important system in the modern lawsuit , is by no means fortuitous but has deep theoretical foundation .

  2. 男人担任护理中大多数最重要的工作绝非偶然。

    It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing .

  3. 此外,老年病在新陈代谢变慢时到来“绝非偶然”。

    And it " cannot be a coincidence " diseases of old age kicked in as the metabolism fell .

  4. 它与RationalSoftwareArchitect中包含的其他服务建模工具的良好集成绝非偶然。

    That it is well integrated with the service modeling tools also included in Rational Software Architect is no accident .

  5. 格雷戈里等研究人员认为,虔诚的创世论者不约而同地利用“垃圾DNA”观念中的最新变化,这绝非偶然,他们这是试图让时间倒退回达尔文时代之前。

    It 's no coincidence , researchers like Gregory argue , that bona fide creationists have used recent changes in the thinking about junk DNA to try to turn back the clock to the days before Darwin .

  6. 《星球大战7:原力觉醒》(StarWars:TheForceAwakens)的导演J·J·艾布拉姆斯(J.J.Abrams)也是我们中的一员,这也绝非偶然。

    It 's hardly an accident that J. J. Abrams , director of " Star Wars : The Force Awakens , " is one of us .

  7. 中国移动决定与德国电信合作,而不是与ATT等美国企业合作,这绝非偶然。

    It is no accident that China Mobile has decided to partner with Deutsche Telekom rather than , say , a US company such as ATT.

  8. 我最喜欢“小佛陀展厅”,这绝非偶然。那个展厅的中心是中国设计师郭培设计的一件巨大的金色连衣裙,周围是很多陶制佛像。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)在大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚宴开场穿的煎饼裙就是郭培设计的。

    It 's no accident my favorite room is the " small Buddha room , " which features an enormous gold dress by Guo Pei , the Chinese designer who made Rihanna 's yellow egg-yolk cape for the opening gala , surrounded by multiple earthen Buddhas .

  9. 而且,这个时间的确定绝非偶然。

    By the way , do not think this timing is coincidental .

  10. 洛基抓走艾瑞克·塞尔维格绝非偶然

    It 's no accident , Loki taking Erik Selvig .

  11. 克莱尔走在苔丝的旁边,这绝非偶然。

    It was not by accident that Clare walked next to Tess .

  12. 对李清照的接受在整个历史时期所形成的一系列变化绝非偶然,每一种变化的背后都有着深刻的社会背景、文化背景以及文学背景等因素。

    There are deep social , cultural and literary backgrounds behind every change .

  13. 但是我觉得你爸爸的事绝非偶然。

    But I don 't think what happenedto your dad was an accident .

  14. 信息技术之所以从模拟转向数字,绝非偶然。

    It is not occasional that message is changed from analog to digit .

  15. 你们可能觉得这些爆炸是偶然的,但是请注意这绝非偶然。

    You may think these explosions to be accident please note they are not .

  16. 清宫戏的兴起绝非偶然。

    The rise of " Qing Dynasty TV play " is of no accident .

  17. 但此现象绝非偶然,而是法人制度内在的缺陷。

    This phenomenon is not incidental but the inner defects of the system of legal person .

  18. 探戈的确在世界各地有这麽多的爱好者是绝非偶然的。

    It is by no accident that indeed Tango has so many lovers all around the world .

  19. 工业革命发生于英国绝非偶然现象。

    It 's not by any means an accidental phenomenon that Industrial Revolution had first happened in England .

  20. 散文诗集《野草》被鲁迅命名为“野草”绝非偶然。

    The reason why Lu Xun named his essay collections of " wild grass " is by no means accidental .

  21. 成为一个好母亲绝非偶然,教养子女是一种艺术、种技巧,需要悉心培养。

    Being a good mother is not an accident , it is an art and a skill that must be developed .

  22. 他能冒着生命危险去救小男孩绝非偶然。

    It is not by accident that he came to the boy 's rescue at the risk of his own life .

  23. 快要降临在我身上的结局绝非偶然。

    He and his are not neglected by the gods ; nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance .

  24. 玄学与山水园林均是我国独有的传统文化,且二者皆产生于魏晋时期,这一现象绝非偶然。

    It is no coincidence that both Metaphysics and Landscape Garden , the two China-unique cultures appeared in Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  25. 你绝非偶然,你以各种可能和表达方式,渴望来到地球体验创造旅程。

    You are no exception , for you were anxious to experience earthly creation in as many ways and expression_r_r_r_rs as possible .

  26. 这一现象的形成绝非偶然,它牵连着成长小说自身的审美品质与当下历史语境之间的复杂关系。

    This phenomenon isn 't an occasion . It 's related with the historical context and the aesthetic characters of the growth novel .

  27. 养生文化在当代的繁盛绝非偶然,是社会权力、现代商业、媒体系统等多种要素共同作用的结果。

    Health culture in contemporary prosperous accidental , the result of the role of the social power of modern commercial media system and other elements .

  28. 新工笔的出现,及其近年来被逐渐接受,绝非偶然,而是中国画自身转变的必然结果。

    The emergence and eventual acceptance of new meticulous brush painting have not been accidental , but the necessary result of the transformation of Chinese painting .

  29. 目前,银行业动辄裁员上万人,整个行业的分支机构扩张趋势正在逆转,这绝非偶然现象。

    It is no coincidence that tens of thousands of layoffs are occurring in the banking industry , and that branch expansion is reversing industry wide .

  30. 这种情况的出现绝非偶然,其背后有深刻的政治、经济等原因。

    The emergence of such situation was absolutely not occasional ; on the contrary there were profound political , economic and other reasons in the rear .