
  • 网络Game name
  1. 如果任何主机被接收到,显示游戏名字,然后再次清空主机列表。

    If any hosts were received , display game name , the clear host list again .

  2. 这是澳大利亚地区最新的负有争议的游戏名字。

    This was the latest in a string of high-profile titles banned from release in Australia .

  3. 每个人点完菜之后,他们就把各自的手机屏幕朝下放在桌子中间,并且跟游戏的名字说的那样,要把手机都一个一个叠在一起。就餐过程中,手机不论怎么响都不许碰。

    Even as the phones buzz and ring throughout the meal , no one is allowed to grab his device .

  4. 这里的chicken是一个游戏的名字,是游戏理论中对双方玩家很有影响力的一个游戏模式。

    Chicken is the name of a game , which is an influential model of conflict for two players in game theory .

  5. 虽然该款游戏的名字一直位于销售排名的前列,许多消费者已经购得,但为了卖的更好,ea公司需要添加更引人注目的特征。

    Still the name of game is selling update to titles , many consumers already have , and to do that , EA needs to add compelling features .

  6. 我不会在这个时候公开透露这个游戏的名字。

    I will not publicly reveal the game at this time .

  7. 我们在玩音乐游戏,名字叫波尔卡小火车!

    We are playing music game ! Its name is Polka Train !

  8. 这两款游戏的名字也都有非常具有女性特征的主角。

    And both titles also feature a strong female protagonist .

  9. 合作是这里的这场游戏的名字。

    Collaboration is the name of the game here .

  10. 市场充满了变化,灵活多变是这个游戏的名字。

    Markets keep changing , and flexibility is the name of the game .

  11. 它可能是一种棒糖或是一种游戏的名字。

    It could be the name of a lolly , or a game .

  12. 好吧。游戏的名字叫“叛徒”。

    Sheldon : All right.This game is called Traitors .

  13. 游戏的名字是什么?

    What 's the Name of the Game ?

  14. 这个游戏的名字叫做“孢子”。我为这个游戏努力了好几年了。

    This game 's called " Spore . " I 've been working on it for several years .

  15. 从前,房地产游戏的名字是“让我们做笔交易吧”。

    Once upon a time , the name of the real estate game was'let 's make a deal . '

  16. 这个游戏的名字叫“全球化”对于我们中的很多人来说,这个游戏既是一种可怕的东西,也是一个充满希望的机会。

    The name of this game is GLOBALIZATION-and for many of us the game is both frightening and filled with promise .

  17. 这个游戏的名字叫‘是与否’,在这个游戏中斯克罗吉的外甥要想点什么事情,其余的人便可以问问题以便知道他想的是什么。

    It was a game called Yes and No , in which Scrooge 's nephew had to think of something , and the others had to ask questions to discover what it was .

  18. 让你说出世界上最畅销游戏的名字,你也许会说《超级马里奥》!或者是《侠盗猎车》!

    If you are asked to say out the names of the most popular games in the world , maybe you will remind of Super Mario , or Grand Theft Auto or Final Fantasy .

  19. 编辑HDL中每个游戏显示的名字,启动文件和启动模式。

    Editing of HDL Display name , boot file & compatability modes .

  20. 我又如何改变我的游戏叫什麽名字?

    And how can I change my in game name ?

  21. 你要玩我发明的物理学车上游戏吗?名字叫“我是没用间谍”。

    Would you like to play a physics car game I invented called " I Can 't Spy " ?

  22. 所以avatarname可以是你在微信或在线游戏中使用的名字。

    So an avatar name can be a name you used on Wechat or in online games .

  23. 今天我们要做一个游戏,游戏的名字是

    Today , we are going to play a game , the name is

  24. 我们来玩字谜游戏。储存游戏的名字不能超过14个字母。

    Let 's play anagrams . The name used for a save game can not be longer than 14 characters .

  25. 在这之后,我们玩游戏,不好意思,我忘记了游戏的名字。

    After that , we played a game . I forget the game name . Sorry ! First , have two to catch you !

  26. 真的,很少有游戏能让人感到兴奋,大多数都很枯燥无味。这些游戏都应该改名字名字就叫无聊游戏。(对不起,读者们,我不得不这样做。)

    True , there are a few games that are actually fun , but the majority are so dull they should change the name to wait for it bored games . ( Sorry readers , I had to ) .