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yóu xué
  • Study tour;tour to study;study in some other place or abroad
游学 [yóu xué]
  • [tour to study] 旧指到外地或外国求学,即留学

  • 你去吧!好好的游学,念个什么博士回来

  • 游学于秦。-- 唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

游学[yóu xué]
  1. 每位游学旅行者都必得造访佛罗伦萨。

    Every traveller on the Grand Tour had to visit Florence .

  2. 他早年游学日本。

    He went to study in Japan in his early years .

  3. 伦敦经常是大陆游学旅行者们的出发点,而巴黎则是必到的目的地。

    London was a frequent starting point for Grand Tourists , and Paris a compulsory destination .

  4. 在意大利境内,热点地区是罗马,其古代遗迹和最新成就都被展示给了每一位大陆游学旅行者。

    Within Italy , the great focus was Rome , whose ancient ruins and more recent achievements were shown to every Grand Tourist .

  5. 大陆游学的旅行者通常是一个年轻人,他不仅在希腊和拉丁文学方面拥有扎实的基础,还有一些闲暇时间,一些手段,以及一些对艺术的兴趣。

    The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time , some means , and some interest in art .

  6. 此诞生了大陆游学的理念,这种习俗在接下来的800年内将法国和意大利的艺术及文化介绍给了英国人、德国人、斯堪的纳维亚人,还有美国人。

    Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour , a practice which introduced Englishmen , Germans , Scandinavians , and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years .

  7. 激发学生的学习主动性,让他们通过短期“游学”提前体验留学生活,以判断自己是否适合出国独立学习和生活。

    The short-term experience can also serve as a test showing if a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not .

  8. 短期的国际游学,可以帮助建立良好的签证记录,为将来顺利获得留学签证奠定基础;

    Short-term to that university . This kind of study tour can help potential overseas students build a fairly good visa record , which may do some good when applying for student visa in the future . At the same time , it may serve as an impetus for students to study harder .

  9. 商季子特别爱好道学,带了很多钱,游学四方,只要见到戴黄帽子的先生,就以为是道士,跪拜求教。

    Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism . He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism . Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap , he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions .

  10. 典型的MBA项目则包含实习、课程项目和国际游学。

    A typical MBA programme is packed with internships , class projects and international travel .

  11. 目前以游学及留学咨询、国际交换生为核心,拥有个人DIY留学服务、短期特色课程培训服务、文化传播等多个发展平台。

    We build lots of platform for growth , such as personal service of DIY study abroad , short-term characteristic training course , cultural diffusion , etc.

  12. 在洛杉矶,南加州大学马歇尔商学院(USCMarshallSchoolofBusiness)临床管理和组织教授卡尔•福格特(CarlVoigt)却不那么乐观,他曾在2000年率领第一支美国商学院代表团到古巴,此后已带领约1000名学生到古巴游学。

    Carl Voigt , professor of clinical management and organisation at USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles , who led the first US business school delegation to Cuba in 2000 and has since taken about 1000 students on study visits , is less optimistic .

  13. 迄今,已到哈瓦那游学的84名斯特恩商学院MBA学员之所以能去古巴,只是因为非盈利组织路德维希基金会(LudwigFoundation)提供的关系,该组织创建的目的是加强美国与古巴的联系,主要是在艺术领域。

    To date , the 84 Stern MBA students who have taken the trip to Havana have only been able to do so thanks to connections provided by Ludwig Foundation , a not-for-profit body created to build links between the US and Cuba , primarily in the arts .

  14. 国内游学人次预计将达900万。

    And domestic study tours are expected to hit 9 million .

  15. 游学英语的实施意义及其策略

    The Application of Travel - Learning English and Its Strategies

  16. 第一介绍界定旅游、留学和游学的概念。

    Introduced the definition , the concept of tourism study and tour .

  17. 高品质的学习环境,师大校风中充分享受游学乐趣。

    High-quality education environment ; study-abroad fun at National Taiwan Normal University !

  18. 学生需要特别游学签证吗?

    Do students need visas to study in canada ?

  19. 平均的游学天数为四十天。

    On average , the study tours are40 days .

  20. 近年来,携程的游学业务增速惊人。

    The travel agency 's study tour business has grown impressively in recent years .

  21. 我参加游学的原因之一是想提高自己的英语水平。

    One of my reasons I attended the study tour was to improve my English .

  22. 其次说明论文的对华师的游学产品设计及营销调研数据的收集并分析结果。

    Second , China division of tour product design and marketing research data collection and analysis .

  23. 余下的课程通过全球游学和两期为期各16天的教堂山集中学习完成。

    The remaining portion is taught through global residencies and two 16-day sessions in Chapel Hill .

  24. 研究目的和意义则主要说明为什么要研究华师游学的竞争力。

    Purpose and significance of the research is mainly about why China division tour competitiveness research .

  25. 有些同学要出国游学练英文,有些则和家人一起出国旅游。

    Some classmates will attend overseas English language programs ; others will travel abroad with their families .

  26. 他带了很多钱,游学四方,

    He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism

  27. 校长周激流,非常年轻,曾游学欧美、日本。

    Principal weeks torrent , very young , had traveling Europe and the United States and Japan .

  28. 许多学生利用暑假参加游学活动特别是境外游学团。

    Many students use their summer vacation to go on study tours , often to a foreign country .

  29. 与此同时,在温切斯特艺术学院就读的学生也将有机会选择中国游学作为他们学位课程的一部分。

    Students at Winchester also have the opportunity to undertake study-tours to China as a part of their degree .

  30. 选择国内游学的人数增长120%,人均费用约为4200元。

    Those opting for domestic study tours grew by 120 % , with costs pegged at about 4200 yuan .