
yóu yǒng zhě
  • The Swimmer;bather
  1. 游泳者从湖水中浮出来。

    The swimmer emerged from the lake .

  2. 即使最强壮的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。

    Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away .

  3. 据悉海豚有时会救溺水的游泳者。

    Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers .

  4. 这些不同种类的鱼足以让任何一个游泳者数小时流连忘返。

    These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours .

  5. 游泳者在水里稍游了一会儿,但水太凉了。

    The swimmer dipped into the river but it was too cold .

  6. 那位游泳者在水中四处拍水,以免沉没。

    The swimmer beat about in the water , trying not to drown .

  7. 在某些地方,湍急的水流会毫无预兆地直接把游泳者冲走。

    In some places , fast currents can sweep swimmers away without warning .

  8. 精华的游泳者趋于与某个优点出生,例如superefficient新陈代谢

    Elite swimmers tend to be born with certain advantages , such as superefficient metabolisms .

  9. 游泳者正在和激浪搏斗

    The swimmer was striving against the current .

  10. 当选官员应当听取国家财政责任和改革委员会(nationalcommissiononfiscalresponsibilityandreform)的建议,就像筋疲力尽的游泳者听从救生员的建议一样。

    Elected officials should latch on to the advice of the National Commission on fiscal responsibility and reform , as an exhausted swimmer to a lifebuoy .

  11. n.漩涡被卷进漩涡的游泳者,挣扎着以免溺水。……

    whirlpool The swimmer caught in the whirlpool struggled to keep from drowning .......

  12. 《深圳日报》(ShenzhenDaily)上个月的一篇文章报道称,越来越多的深圳游泳者前往香港,文章指出只有不到10%的深圳公共泳池没有通过水质检查。

    An article in the Shenzhen Daily reported last month that an increasing number of Shenzhen swimmers are heading to Hong Kong , noting that just under 10 % of Shenzhen 's public pools don 't pass water-quality tests .

  13. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】在佛罗里达州塔拉哈西(Tallahassee)附近著名的大沼泽公园(WakullaSprings),两位漂亮的游泳者正坐在水中的一块圆木上化妆。

    Underwater Beauty , Florida , 1944 Sitting on a log in the waters of Florida 's famous Wakulla Springs , near Tallahassee , two trick swimmers start a submarine beauty shop .

  14. 但是,先不谈嫉妒,只说那些用直升机俯拍出来的照片,它们有一种好玩的偷窥意味——城市景观向上伸展,变得陌生,散布在水波荡漾的泳池中或躺椅上的游泳者很像大卫·霍克尼(DavidHockney)的油画。

    And yet , envy aside , there is something deliciously voyeuristic about helicopter photographs of a suddenly unfamiliar , upturned cityscape dotted with David Hockney bathers in dappled water and lounge chairs .

  15. 1882年由PaschalPlant设计软木泳衣,这件泳衣由网状布料和表面软木填充物组成,软木良好的浮力可以让游泳者浮在水中漂浮。

    A cork swimming suit patent designed by Paschal Plant in 1882 . The clothing item consisted of mesh or netted fabric with cork applied to the surface . The buoyancy of cork allows the swimmer to float on water .

  16. 根据题目所给的信息,为一个游速为1.5m/s的游泳者在不同的水流速度下分别选择了最优的游泳方向与游泳路线。

    According to the message of exercise problems , the best swimming direction and route on the basis of different water speed for a swimmer who can swim about 1.5 m / s is deduced .

  17. 他去帮助一名遭遇困难的游泳者。

    He went to the aid of a swimmer in difficulty .

  18. 这位游泳者能在水下呆1分多钟。

    The swimmer can remain under for more than a minute .

  19. 解析契弗《游泳者》的场景描写与主题揭示

    Vivid Description of Setting & Deep Delineation of Cheever 's Swimmer

  20. 使他承担起看护年轻游泳者的任务。

    Charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers .

  21. 游泳者发展“有氧手臂”要通过数年的训练。

    Swimmers develop " aerobic arms " through years of training .

  22. 很多游泳者在这些沙滩游泳之后称有皮肤发痒和患有荨麻疹的症状。

    Bathers also report itching and skin rashes after swimming .

  23. 游泳者超越此界限若有意外后果自负。

    Persons swimming beyond this point do so at their own risk .

  24. 发现鲨鱼时,海滩上正挤满着游泳者。

    The beach was crowded with bathers when the shark was sighted .

  25. 另一名游泳者死于佛罗里达州的海岸。

    And another swimmer died off the coast of Florida .

  26. 穿着琼·克劳馥式的裙子,长着游泳者的腿。

    In her Joan Crawford dress and swimmer 's legs .

  27. 该湖湖水很深,游泳者探不到底。

    The lake is deep and a swimmer cannot touch the bottom .

  28. 这些游泳者在紧急关头获救了。

    The swimmers were rescued in the nick of time .

  29. 被卷进漩涡的游泳者,挣扎着以免溺水。

    The swimmer caught in the whirlpool struggled to keep from drowing .

  30. 死海的水含盐量如此高以至于游泳者不会沉下去。

    The Dead Sea is so salty that swimmers won 't sink .