
  • 网络Small seashells;small shell
  1. 校园安全大行动由校园“安全侦探”大行动以及“小贝壳”校园安全行主题班会两个部分组成。

    Campus by the Campus Safety Campaign " Safety Detective " Campaign and the " small shell " campus security line class meetings of two parts .

  2. 据了解,“小贝壳”校园安全大行动是由中国关心下一代工作委员会公益文化中心以及蒙牛学生奶共同推广的一项公益行动。

    It is understood that the " small shell " Campus Safety Campaign is the Next Generation Committee of the Chinese Community Cultural Centre and Mengniu milk to jointly promote a student of public action .

  3. 小贝壳曾经被用作简单的钱币。

    Small seashells were once used as a primitive kind of money .

  4. 小贝壳有时用作简单的钱币。

    Small seashells have sometimes been used as a primitive kind of money .

  5. 早期北美印第安人当作钱币使用的抛光小贝壳。

    Small beads made from polished shells and formerly used as money by native Americans .

  6. 珩科鸟生活在海边,以小贝壳、昆虫还有植物为食。

    The plover lives by the ocean and feeds on small shellfish insects in plants .

  7. 我好喜欢,淡蓝的天空,辽阔的大海,软软的沙滩,还有小贝壳和海龟。

    I Like blue sky , the sea , land , soft sand and small seashells and turtles .

  8. 说这里人家的椅子上、桌子上经常可以看到粘上去的小贝壳,就像海边的乌龟身上粘着的贝壳似的。

    that to their very chairs and tables small clams will sometimes be found adhering , as to the backs of sea turtles .

  9. 有一天,何瑞克宁以捕鱼维生的父亲,抱着满满一笼子的小贝壳回来,那种贝壳是艳丽的鲜红色,也就是深红色。

    One day Arachne 's father , who was a fisherman , came home with his baskets full of little shellfish , which were of a bright crimson or purple colour .

  10. 楼上的艺廊展出绘画和雕塑,而精品店里的商品则包罗万象,有大米提取物润唇膏、极简主义风格的陶瓷、千变万化的嬉皮风连衣裙,以及覆盖着白色小贝壳的骷髅。

    The upstairs art gallery exhibits painting and sculpture , while the boutique 's wide-ranging collection includes rice extract lip balm , minimalist ceramics , kaleidoscopic hippie-chic dresses and a skull covered with tiny white seashells .

  11. 最后说是因为他们这么被海洋所困所围,四面团团围起而成为一个孤岛,以致他们的台子椅子往往都粘上了小贝壳,如同海龟的背上粘着贝壳那般。

    that they are so shut up , belted about , every way inclosed , surrounded , and made an utter island of by the ocean , that to their very chairs and tables small clams will sometimes be found adhering as to the backs of sea turtles .

  12. 每次当人们夸奖她能由那么小的贝壳作出如此美丽的颜色来时,她总不说是父亲帮助她的,而将所有的功劳归于自己。

    When , as often happened , people praised the beautiful colour that had been produced by the little shellfish , she did not tell how her father had helped her , but took all the credit to herself .

  13. 这个小姑娘将贝壳穿在一起,戴在脖子上。

    The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck .

  14. 那小女孩把贝壳穿起来。

    The little girl threaded the shells together .

  15. 从条纹、波点到小爱心和贝壳的图案,只有你想不到的,没有他们给不出的图案。

    From stripes and polka dots to tiny hearts and shells , the only limit is your imagination .

  16. 设计也突出了哈利王子的特点,包含了三个来自斯宾塞家族的小的红色贝壳,这代表了他的母亲,已故王妃戴安娜。

    The design also features Prince Harry 's label and includes three tiny red escallops from the Spencer family arms , representing his mother , the late Princess Diana .