
xiǎo shēng
  • the young man's role;young male character type in Beijing opera;(self reference by young scholars)your pupil;young
小生 [xiǎo shēng]
  • (1) [young male character type in Beijing opera]∶戏曲中生角的一种,扮演青年男子

  • (2) [(self reference by young scholars)your pupil]∶读书人自称(多见于早期白话)

  • (3) [young]∶年轻人,后辈

  • 崔氏二小生。-- 唐. 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》

小生[xiǎo shēng]
  1. 小生姓张,名琪,字君瑞,本贯西洛人也。

    My name is Zhang qi , my style junrui . I am a native of xiluo .

  2. 这对于那些白面小生来说可是个好消息

    Good news for wimps ( a weak person ) , then .

  3. 基于自适应小生境递阶遗传算法的RBF均衡器

    RBF equalizer based on adaptive niche hierarchy genetic algorithm

  4. 用基于小生镜技术的改进遗传算法解决TSP问题

    Solving TSP with improved genetic algorithm based on niche technique

  5. 主要给出了一个在Hilbert空间中最终范数连续半群的扰动定理.设T(t)为Hilbert空间H上的C0半群,当t>t0≥0时按范数连续,A为其无穷小生成元。

    A was obtained new perturbation theorem for eventually norm-continuous semigroups on a Hilbert space .

  6. Banach空间中可闭化线性算子与无穷小生成元

    The Closable Linear Operator on Banach Space and the Infinitesimal Generator of a C_0-semigroup of Contractions

  7. 其次,给出了系统的一类新型守恒量的存在定理,并导出了用于确定无限小生成元的广义Killing方程;

    Next , an existence theorem for the new type of conserved quantities of the systems is given , and the generalized Killing equations used to determine the infinitesimal generators are deduced .

  8. 首先,对准坐标下广义力学系统定义无限小生成元,并应用微分方程在无限小变换下不变性的Lie方法,建立系统的确定方程。

    First , the definition of an infinitesimal generator for the generalized mechanical systems in terms of quasi-coordinates were given , then the determining equations of the Lie symmetries were established by using Lie 's method of invariance of ordinary differential equations under infinitesimal transformations .

  9. 针对半Markov决策过程在紧致行动集上的数值迭代优化,提出了折扣和平均准则下直接基于等价无穷小生成子的统一的标准数值迭代算法,并证明了其收敛性。

    For the problem of value iteration ( VI ) optimization of the compact action set in semi-Markov decision process , a unified standard VI algorithm directly based on the equivalent infinitesimal generator under both discount and average criteria was proposed with the proof of convergence .

  10. 从一个英俊小生那儿听到这些,我可真是受宠若惊。

    I 'm flattered to hear this from a handsome man .

  11. g-期望的无穷小生成元,g-上鞅与g-上调和函数

    The Infinitesimal Generator under G-expectation , the g-supermartingale and g-superharmonic Function

  12. 我是一个年轻的男孩,我的名字叫小生。

    I am young boy , and my name is Xiaosheng .

  13. 什么是小生捕捉一切要看你了。

    What Niche you capture is all up to you .

  14. 局部积分C&半群的无穷小生成元及其应用

    The Infinitesimal Generator of Local Integrated C-semigroups and Its Applications

  15. 基于小生境伪并行遗传算法的自主机器人路径优化

    Niche Pseudo-parallel Genetic Algorithms for Path Optimization of Autonomous Robot

  16. C-无穷小生成元的表示式小孔的偶极子模型

    A Representation Formula of C-Infinitesimal Generator A dipole model of the small aperture

  17. 非对称狄氏型的扰动及相应的无穷小生成元

    Perturbation of the non - symmetric Dirichlet form and the corresponding infinitesimal generator

  18. C-无穷小生成元的表示式

    A Representation Formula of C - Infinitesimal Generator

  19. 我敢肯定,你爱你这一资源小生想法。

    I 'm sure , you 'll love this resource for your niche ideas .

  20. 说不定,他讨厌像奶油小生似的男人。

    Perhaps , he is fed up with small like butter unripe like man .

  21. 她的工作是教国小生英语。

    Her job is teaching pupils English .

  22. 他想被人当作一名严肃演员,而不只是个英俊小生。

    He wanted to be considered as a serious actor , not just a heartthrob .

  23. 基于改进小生境伪并行遗传算法的电力系统无功优化研究

    Research on the Reactive Power Optimization of Power System Based on Niche Pseudo-parallel Genetic Algorithms

  24. 他只是个英俊小生只懂按书上说的去做

    He 's a pretty boy . He just does whatever his little book says .

  25. 首先,赵树理从小生在农村、长在农村。

    First , Zhao Shu-li was born in the countryside and grew up in the countryside .

  26. 提出了一种新的遗传算法&小生境伪并行遗传算法(NPPGA),用于对自主机器人运动路径进行优化。

    A new method named Niche Pseudo-Parallel Genetic Algorithms is presented for path optimization of autonomous robot .

  27. 我觉得你是一个富有幽默感的英俊小生,或许我有点古怪。

    I see you are a very humorous young man , and beautiful too , I might add .

  28. 你可以建立一个名单,写了一份特别报告有关小生你的目标。

    You can build a list by writing a special report pertaining to the niche you 're targeting .

  29. 酵母发酵的正餐面包卷,在每个松饼盘里烘焙三个小生面团。

    Yeast-raised dinner roll made by baking three small balls of dough in each cup of a muffin pan .

  30. 但你必须确保你的联系伙伴都在同一小生或内容。

    But you have to make sure that your links partners are in the same niche or content as you .