
  • 网络Wheat beer;Weizenbier;BIO Ur-Weisse
  1. 小麦啤酒生产过程中几个技术问题探讨

    Discussions on Some Technical Questions in the Brewing of Wheat Beer

  2. 丁香类香味是上面发酵小麦啤酒不可或缺的特殊香味。

    And the clove-like aroma is essential to the top-fermented wheat beer .

  3. 从德国来的西蒙·西姆斯格莱斯(SimonSiemsgluess)也开设了一家名叫九龙啤酒(NineDragonsBrewery)的酿酒坊。他曾经在巴伐利亚小麦啤酒巨头柏龙啤酒(Paulaner)在德国和中国内地的分公司负责酿酒。

    Another brewing venture , Nine Dragons Brewery , is being launched by German expat Simon Siemsgluess , who has brewed previously at Bavarian wheat-beer giant Paulaner 's operations in Germany and mainland China .

  4. 北京的京A啤酒酿造作坊的老板来自美国康涅狄格州和加拿大多伦多,他们将美国风味与本地特色结合起来,供应工人淡色啤酒、空气大爆表双IPA和京城特白小麦啤酒。

    At the Jing-A Brewing Taproom in Beijing , the owners , transplants from Connecticut and Toronto , serve American-inspired beers with local flair , including Worker 's Pale Ale , Airpocalypse Double IPA and Mandarin Wheat .

  5. 五十吨上面发酵小麦啤酒中试生产工艺技术研究

    Pilot Scale Studies on the 50 Ton Top Fermentation of Wheat Beer

  6. 离子注入诱变选育全小麦啤酒酵母菌株

    Mutagenic Breeding of Whole-wheat Beer Barm Strains by Ion Implantation

  7. 探讨了小麦啤酒的生产工艺。

    We studied the fermentation processes of wheat beer .

  8. 全小麦啤酒的工艺研制

    Investigation of the technology for complete wheat beer production

  9. 上面发酵小麦啤酒的研制

    Studies on Brewing of top fermented Wheat Beer

  10. 100m~3发酵罐上面发酵小麦啤酒生产工艺技术研究

    Studies on the Top Fermentation of Wheat Beer

  11. 小麦啤酒酿造技术的研究

    Study on Beer Brewing Technology of Wheat Malt

  12. 全小麦啤酒工艺酿制葛根啤酒及其营养学评价

    Production of pueraria beer with the process of whole wheat beer and its nutritional evaluation

  13. 本文结合生产工艺过程介绍了小麦啤酒的特点、酿造工艺条件及操作要点。

    The beer 's features and its technology requirements are also introduced in this article .

  14. 小麦啤酒的生产与研究

    Production of & Research on Wheat Beer

  15. 小麦啤酒生产工艺的研究

    Studies on Fermentation Processes of Wheat Beer

  16. 小麦啤酒的生产技术

    Production Technology of Wheat Beer

  17. 应用上面发酵酵母发酵的全小麦啤酒的泡沫性能较好,酯香浓郁,口感醇厚。

    The whole wheat beer which used top beer yeast have good foam , strong easter fragrant and mellow mouthfeel .

  18. 小麦啤酒是以小麦麦芽为主要原料(占原料总量的40%以上),采用上面酵母发酵酿制而成。

    Wheat beer was produced from wheat malt ( accounting for 40 % of the raw material ) by top fermentation yeast .

  19. 这款德国小麦啤酒酒精含量低,口感干爽,以产地命名,它叫什么名字?

    This German wheat beer is dry , low in alcohol , has a slightly sharp taste and bears the same name as the city of its origin .

  20. 在啤酒专家伊塔·古特曼的帮助下,该团队用现代技术创造了一款类似于小麦啤酒的饮料,其酒精度为6度,含糖量为14%。

    With the help of beer expert Itai Gutman , the team used modern techniques to create a drink similar to wheat beer , with 6 % alcohol content , and a mead with 14 % strength .

  21. 当你旅行跨越美国,你可能会喝到小麦啤酒,黑麦啤酒,大麦啤酒,玻克啤酒,“低热量”啤酒,各种各样的季节性啤酒,“低碳”啤酒等,还有从蓝莓到南瓜,辣椒等各种口味的啤酒。

    As you travel across the United States , you may run into : wheat beers , rye beers , barleycorn beers , bock beers , " lite " beers , all sorts of seasonal beers , " low-carb " beers , and beers flavored with the essence of everything from blueberry to pumpkin to chili .

  22. 小麦生产啤酒糖浆时的主要问题是糖液过滤困难,引起小麦糖液过滤困难的因素主要是小麦B淀粉中的破损的和不溶性的小颗粒淀粉、不溶性蛋白质及非淀粉多聚糖类物质。

    The main difficulty in beer syrup production by wheat was sugar solution filtration , which was induced mainly by the damage of wheat amylum , insoluble small amylum granules , insoluble protein , and non-amylum polysaccharide substances .

  23. 影响小麦生产啤酒专用糖浆过滤的几个因素

    Some Influencing Factors in the Filtration of Beer Syrup Produced by Wheat

  24. 小麦品种啤酒制作特性研究

    Study on Brewing Character of Wheat Variety

  25. 用小麦酿造啤酒的讨论

    Discussion on Beer Brewing by Wheat

  26. 小麦和啤酒大麦在制麦地过程中蛋白质的变化差异较大,揭示其制麦工艺应与啤酒大麦有所不同。

    The characteristic changes of protein differed considerably between wheat and barley during malting , which showed the different malting technology between the two .

  27. 通过磨煮小麦和啤酒花然后用发酵粉发酵的麦芽饮料(如啤酒或强麦酒)的生产。

    The production of malt beverages ( as beer or ale ) from malt and hops by grinding and boiling them and fermenting the result with yeast .

  28. 小麦芽在啤酒高浓酿造中的应用研究

    Studies on Application of Wheat Malt in Beer High Gravity Brewing

  29. 小麦粉作啤酒辅料

    Wheat Flour As a Adjunct Used in Brewhouse

  30. 成份:水,大麦麦芽,小麦麦芽,啤酒花,桂花,柠檬皮,酵母。

    Ingredients : Water , Malted Barley , Malted Wheat , Hops , Elderflower , Lemon Zest , Yeast .