
  1. 菽庄花园在日光岩南麓海滨。

    Shuzhuang park is situated on the seashore to the south of Riguang rock .

  2. 菽庄花园的游览主线是九曲四十四桥,蜿蜒曲折,横跨海上。

    Sightseers at the park usually follow the winding route made up of nine turns and forty-four bridges that span an inlet of the sea .

  3. 岛上有日光岩、菽庄花园、皓月园,郑成功纪念馆、海底世界和天然海滨浴场等旅游景点。

    On the island there are tourist attractions like the Sunlight Rock , the Shu Zhuang Garden , the Bright Moon Garden , the Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall , the Underwater World and the Natural Sea Resort .
