
  • 网络Faris;Anna Faris;Steven Farris
  1. 美国皮肤病学会(AmericanAcademyofDermatology)会员、路易斯安那州梅泰里市(Metairie,La.)皮肤病学家帕特丽夏?法里斯(PatriciaFarris)称,刺痛感、灼烧感和红肿“实际上都是皮肤遭到有害剥离的迹象”。

    Stinging , burning and irritation are ' actually a sign of harmful stripping of the skin , ' says Patricia Farris , a Metairie , La . - based dermatologist and a fellow at the American Academy of Dermatology .

  2. 法里斯博士说:“感觉异常洁净——我们不想干净成那样儿。那太过激了。”

    Feeling squeaky clean -- we don 't want to go there . It 's too aggressive , ' says Dr. Farris .

  3. 法里斯博士说:感觉异常洁净&我们不想干净成那样儿。

    ' Feeling squeaky clean & we don 't want to go there . It 's too aggressive , ' says Dr. Farris .

  4. 法里斯说,最重要的是国家建立了一个办法:公司进入宽带市场不需要支付大量的基本建设。

    The idea behind an " open " system is essentially that , for a fee , broadband providers must share the cables that carry Internet signals into people 's homes .